[b] Name: [/b] Connor James Facilier [b] Nickname: [/b] CJ [b] Age: [/b] 18 [b] Special Infected: [/b] Hunter --Before Infection Appearance-- [hider=CJ] [img] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/190/5/c/scooby_doo__shaggy__s_room_by_bleedingheartworks-d3litpu.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b] Skin tone: [/b] He has lightly tanned white skin. [b] Height: [/b] 6'3 [b] Body build: [/b] A thin but firm frame. [b] Eyes: [/b] He has soft brown eyes that always seem to be full of cheerfulness. [b] Hair: [/b] He has messy dark oak brown dreadlocks that fall below his shoulders. --After Infection Appearance-- [hider=Infected CJ] [img] http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/200/9/d/i_dunno____by_OriginalCreed.jpg [/img] [img] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/203/b/d/Kaj_ID_by_OriginalCreed.png [/img] [/hider] [b]Skin tone:[/b] A sickly pale color, a very light grey. [b]Height:[/b] 6'5 [b]Body build:[/b] Lanky, but still has some muscle tone. [b]Eyes:[/b] A perceiving deep yellow with the whites of his eyes being a dark crimson red. Oddly they still hold their former kindness. [b]Hair:[/b] His hair becomes a bit more matted but still remains the same for the most part. --Other-- [b] Occupation: [/b] Before the infection he worked part time at a local skateboard shop [b] Hobbies: [/b] In his free time CJ would go free running around town, getting arrested more than once for trespassing. CJ always loved skateboarding, hence his working at the skate shop. CJ is also very passionate about his guitar playing, namely his Reggae. CJ has taken up the art of Capoeira, Brazilian dance fighting. [b] Greatest Flaws: [/b] CJ is way too trusting of people, he usually never suspects the rotten side of people even if they are lying to his face. He is also rather found of a certain plant that most consider a 'weed'. [b] Romantic interest: [/b](fill in later when most spots are taken) --Optional-- [b] Theme song: [/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqds0B_meys] Three Days Grace - Animal I have become [/url] [b] Favorite color: [/b] Green [b] Other: [/b] He is secretly a claustrophobic [b] [u] [I] Snicklefrizt [/I] [/u] [/b]