Okay, so, wow. After more than a year, we're at the final battle of the first arc. Let me explain how this is going to go. You can do whatever you like here, in the battle. You can just go through and slaughter H'kelans like we've been doing in previous battles, or you can take on the first so-called "Raid Boss" you're all facing, being the Advisor. If you want to take on the Advisor, you'll be writing with me of course (big surprise there), but you can also work together with each other and me at the same time. Plan is, everyone gets a post, where I'll be sprinkling in different members of the Sentinels and where you guys work with Christopher to take her down. When everyone's posted, I'll finish up the battle, and then we'll be going through the final pieces of the arc as quickly as we can without sacrificing detail, so we can begin to set up for the second arc.