“RITHRYNN! COME BACK! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING—“ Liaena screamed desperately after the Night Elf as she lunged forward to disappear around a corner and out of sight, paying no heed whatsoever to her words or Sharons. “….Sharon” “…” “Great. Just[i] great[/i].” Liaena seethed. She shot a furious glare at Shani, who matched her one for one with a horrible glower right back. “It’s good to know you people don’t play into Sherpa’s hand [b]at all[/b]. I marvel at your strategic brilliance” “Li!” “Because this totally isn’t exactly what he wants – alright, alright. Fine, Sharon” Liaena swallowed down the rest of her rant as her boyfriend gave her a pleading look. Turning to Sharon, she graciously refrained from pointing out all the many and varied ways she had warned against employing the Night Elves. From the apologetic expression on his face, he clearly knew anyway. Although assuming they actually survived this incident, Liaena fully intended to bring it up later when discussing the long term employment of Serphia. “I can run. Let’s go” * It took several minutes of desperate running through the sewer, with Shani pointedly jogging exaggeratedly effortlessly beside them before the tunnel opened out a massive cistern. Three exits, multiple scorch marks on the walls, no Night Elves. Halting in the entrance to the cistern, Liaena took the opportunity to catch her breath as she bent over and put her hands on her knees. The multitude of scrapes and cuts, some superficial, some deeper that she had taken in the explosion were throbbing, and she was pretty sure she was getting a stitch. At the very least she was doing much better than poor Lord Graymoon, who was by this point a deep rich magenta in the face and by far the slowest member of the party. “They…they came through here…at least” Liaena remarked as she eventually caught her breath. Looking over to the most unruffled member of their party, she caught the eye of the grumpy Shani. “I assume you can track them?”