[color=00aeef]”Avalon huh,”[/color] Eva sighed as her home came into sight and she grabbed the cold handle in the early morning hours. [color=00aeef]”All these things, these Supernatural worlds, the World is crazy, and when I met Arthur for the first time i thought I was going mad. Shit. Why must my life be soo confusing.”[/color] The inside of the house was quiet, as she peered inside prompted by an unusual suitcase at the coatrack. Eva headed further inside as a bleep from the Microwave went off. As a tall figure in a leather jacket loomed in front of her holding a piece of Lasagna as he turned Eva cursed under her breath. [color=00aeef]”Joe. Wha, what are you doing here?”[/color] “Family sent me to check on you, and frankly I was worried, that Pax event was quite the terrorist event, Ma and Pa were worried you’d turn into a mutant freak. Everything’s cool though, you’re still my Lil Sis, the Black Sheep.” Joseph said as he took a seat at the table, Eva came closer as if to speak to him. [color=00aeef]”Didn’t think they cared enough to check on me, I thought everyone was too busy being pompous jerks, and don’t you have a Grand Prix race soon”[/color] Joseph laid down the fork he was eating with, and Solemnly spoke. “Family’s writing you out of the will, and if you turned out to be some eight legged spider freak, well, that’d complicate things. I’m not supposed to be telling you this, but I thought you should know. You have time to fix this though, just come back, back to British High Society, wear the dresses, eat with the tiny spoons and forks. Go to the balls and the Family will reconsider.” [color=00aeef]"So that’s what this is all about, Does Aunt Briley know about this? That you’re begging me to come back?”[/color] Joseph continued his solemn expression,”Yes, she left whether or not you’d come come back up to you, but we don’t have a lot of time, come your eighteenth you’ll no longer have a place back home.” Eva slammed the edge of the table with her fist, [color=00aeef]"I have a place, it’s not covered in marble, or surrounded by gold, but it’s home, and Aunt Briley has been more of a mother than Mom ever has. Let them write me off, I have something they’ll never have, a Family.”[/color] “I see.” Joseph said picking up his mostly empty dish, “I’ve always been jealous of you, you always had the guts to face Mom and Dad, a part of me wants you to come back, the other just wants to cheer you on. It’s an odd feeling,” Joseph placed a hand on Eva’s shoulder. “I hope you do right Sis. Whatever you chose.” [color=00aeef]”I, don’t think I understand.”[/color] Joseph took a second. “I kinda wanted to see you come back, just to show to myself no one is unbreakable, even as the Oldest, I looked up to you, the Rebel, none of us liked the Rules, the restrictions. But we’re still scared, you. Yeah you never wanted any of it, so. Keep being you SIs. I’ll be in town for a few days, before I head off to my next race. Maybe I’ll see you again. Later Lil Rebel.” [color=00aeef]"Joe.”[/color] Eva said as she was beset by her confused emotions. “The Lasagna was good Sis, you look pretty ragged, grab a bite.” Joseph said as he hoisted his suitcase over his shoulder like a pack and walked out towards a rental car he parked just off the sidewalk. Eva watched, completely unsure of what to do, as her stomach rumbled she decided once Joe left she’d eat and then pass out.