Oh yeah, there are. I just have NO idea. We're going into very uncharted space in more than one sense of the word, so it's our playground to do with as we see fit. We'll come up with something cause we're smart like that. Ooohhh, that sounds intriguing. I'm sure the Rakatan would have at least taken notice of the galaxy reshaping itself and want to figure out what on earth is going on. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't just Rakatan...maybe a mixture of races that follow the Rakatan ideologies? Which I know is fragmented enough, but maybe a combination of both major ideologies? (Which, if I remember quickly, was either "kill everyone!" or "chillll, bruh.") I DID mention his name and brief character history, but I don't remember anything I wrote. Will retrieve it from OOC and post it here! Interesting...so Yerbol and Aria get somewhat of an order going, train, get better and then out of desperation because Jedi and Sith don't want to get involved in governments again(understandably so xD), they turn to this new "Grey Force User" order...by the way, we'll have come up with a name for what they come up with. True Sith was a good start, but I feel like they'll be representing something totally new, which means a new title. Also, we both agreed that Yerbol and Aria would eventually get together romantically right? If so, do you want to plan on when they should start having feelings or let them figure it out as the story progresses? I've done both ways and I find that the second approach tends to work better...feels more organic. But the first way works well too because then the romance won't interfere with certain plot events where it wouldn't make sense.