[center][h2]Roane[/h2][/center] In that moment, chaos sprung from the shadows and struck. Roane froze, eyes wide with panic. She knew how to fight. She'd fought off wild bears and bandits in her village, and faced her fair share of troublemakers under the employment of her Lady K'Shein. But to be in a battle of this magnitude? Her hands quaked as she fumbled for her axe, confusion and terror clashing in unholy union. Panic-filled thoughts slipped through the cracks in her mind. Maybe that strange man was right? What if this was just a doomed endeavor? What if-- A large, scaled muzzle nudged her head, dashing away the thoughts. She turned to look at Lyth, her tension sliding away as the wyvern caught her eye. Her shaking stopped, and a resolute determination replaced the fear in her eyes. Right. She wasn't alone. She had Lyth. She had her new allies. Most importantly, she had her axe. And, superstition be damned, that was all she needed. In a single, smooth movement, Roane leapt onto Lyth's back. Her grip on her axe tightened as she gazed around the chaos of the camp, the commands from Alfred reaching her ears. "Just like back in the farm, huh, buddy?" she whispered with a half-hearted smile. Lyth roared in response, loud and fearsome over the commotion of soldier against soldier. With a loud "[i]HYAH![/i]", Roane steered the wyvern towards an approaching Taka, grabbing and practically throwing him behind her with as much grace as a battle could afford. The wyvern's wings spread and, with a powerful jump and flap, took to the air. "Hang tight," she cautioned. Her grip on the reins tightened as she felt the familiar drop in her stomach and rush of wind. "Things are gonna get bumpy."