[center][h1]Airdan Valtumal[/h1][/center] [@Rekaigan] It was a thrill to have heard her intrigued reply. Not that he hadn't spent his gold buying girls drinks before-- it was a matter of how much money had he spent on it. His mind silently sighed-- telling him that he'll regret it one day. It certainly wasn't within the next 100 years. His eyelids narrowed. At the girl? No, rather to the side atop of the bar's flat wooden table to another glass of drink someone had left. "I think.. I'll just have the same as you." The voice scoped his eyes back at her and glanced at her plain smile; which he returned reflexively. "Two of your cold ales then!" He told the bartender. She nods and leaves the two for the few moment she needs to serve. "You seem distressed at something." His eyes seem to have never left the girl-- curious about her. Her posture as she sat gave him the opportunity to glance at her features. He noticed the scars around her body, ones denoting of many struggles. Its crude yet define arches along her skin was easily as a result of wrestling with a beast. Great or small. "Some man did that to you?" He jested with a grin. "No, of course not." He indicated towards the left side of his cheek-- a diagonal scar of a claw of some kind. You'd also would notice another scar-- almost impossible to see from the distance the girl had sat, but visible if she drew closer. His right cheek had a slender, long horizontal cut of unknown origin. Almost as though it was the tip of a sword that had cut him. "These get pretty common when you fight with beasts." The bartender had returned with two cold ales, serving one to the girl first and after Airdan. "Shall we toast for your health? Miss..." He trailed on, indicating for her name. As soon as she responded, he'd too would give his name; "Airdan." The glass would meet and he downs a few gulps of the refreshing drink and planted the glass on the wooden table with a grin. The majority of the saloon had calmed down. Music had resumed playing and chatter had returned from the silent atmosphere. "I don't see many girls in your field. Maybe you're a special case? Now; I don't mean offense. I'm just asking what got you into what you do." He continued to patrol his eyes at her.