[quote=@BrokenPromise] Well, I can see I'm going to be pretty busy designing mining equipment and carpenter's tools over the next few days. In the mean time, here's the plant that Holla uses to make her pepper bombs. [hider=Venus Thorn][center](placeholder for image)[/center][color=8882be][sub]» [b]C A T E G O R Y[/b][/sub][/color][indent]Horticultural(?) ● Industrial/Food Crop ● Spice[/indent][color=8882be][sub]» [b]D E S C R I P T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][indent][i]Venus thorn[/i] Is a small, vicious plant that gets its name from its “slender figure” and its thorn shaped pistil. While the thorn appears to be the most dangerous part of the plant, all of its flat surfaces are razor sharp. In addition to water, the plant flourishes on a tiny amount of blood from animals that may come in contact with it. Most animals don't even realize they've been cut by the parasitic plant's fine blades. The bulb on the top of the plant gets bigger as it absorbs more blood, assisting with the growth process. The plant reproduces by detonating its thorn and releasing spores, expiring shortly afterward. Because of the Venus Razor's odd dietary requirements, the plant is difficult to grow in captivity. It is usually planted out in the wild where it can come in contact with animals naturally. Venus Razor is best known for the burning sensation the bulb causes when people touch it, caused by a mild poison. Despite the dangers, people have been grinding the bulb into a spice and deluding the plant with other ingredients. Depending on the mixture, Venus Razor can be as hot as a chili or more severe than a ghost pepper. However the “heat” seldom lasts longer than a few seconds. Undiluted Venus Razor has its uses as a self defense weapon. The powerful burning sensation and short burn time makes for an effective self defense weapon that doesn't cause lasting harm to its victims. [/indent][/hider] Also, where do you prefer to receive stuff like this? Is it easier to manage in PMs or is the OOC fine? [/quote] OOC is fine. For plants it'll be pretty easy going. For animals I'll be a little more critical as I'll be after certain types. [@Caits] That's ok. No huge rush :) Writing up the first IC at the moment, not entirely sure when it will go up as I do wanna set up the first post in a specific sort of way. Any late comers should be able to just drop in so you shouldn't feel as if you're missing out on a start date.