This was madness. Desdemona understood this. This was a word much like that. Rearing up to her full thirteen foot height she hissed, released the poor blade bow as her tail acted as a sort of rudder for the rest of her. "I am not playing your gamesss, Chelsssea Ritter." Her eyes gleamed with fury, as the two fangs dropped down. Paralytic poison was not inherently deadly, but enough of it could kill. With this display her warning was given. So she sunk back down to the ground, slithering into the shadows. If this child wished to play, then she would play with another child and not the Spanish lamia. Or so Desdemona came to the conclusion. Coil upon coil, her eyes gleamed from the shadows as she turned them on Johnny. "Play with her, nino. Elssse I will tempt the wrath of hell when I sssate myssself with her sssoul." Her words trailed off as the woman slowly. Ever so slowly, turned black and leathery. Minutes ticking by as the lamia soon appeared nothing more than a large snake. For all her wrath, Desdemona well knew that to devour the children's souls would be foolish. For some fell reason or another D. Ark was slightly, or apparently, or whatever he was to them. With that being there was no telling. He was darkness and madness and all things the large snake did not dare to test. The 'Sentinel of the Devil' was more than keen to devour the man and have done with it. But the memories of her human life held quick and to go after D. Ark would be to go against those experiences. Something that had not gone well any of the times she had done it. Better to wait, seize the moment when it was sure and done. It was better to curl and laze about the surface rather than to hide away in tunnels and feed off of unclean bodies and sewer rats. The snake was well aware who was owed for that, though she put forth no loyalty to the heartless being... Desdemona well knew even she played his little game in this circus, but she was content to play it and wait. She wasn't too keen on playing Chitter's. So she would wait, the girl would grow impatient. A quick bite, swallow. And then all would be well and the girl would have some minor sores from her stomach acids after Chitter was regurgitated. [@FallenTrinity]