[h3][i]Two Days Later[/i][/h3] Angela stood outside, the sun beating down on her pale skin as she watched the skies for signs of the Swiss troops. They should be arriving any moment, and yet it appeared that they were running late. Fareeha's unit was to deploy in an hour, everyone was getting in final preparations, there would be no time for the Swiss to prepare. They'd have to go straight from landing to deployment, no time to get ready or be briefed on the mission. Angela took a deep breath, hoping for the best. The Swiss wouldn't dare be a no-show, would they? That'd be a disgrace to their reputation, and break the trust between Angela and the Egyptian soldiers who were waiting for the reinforcements. Nothing was worse than false hope. After almost a half hour longer, Angela was getting very anxious that they wouldn't show up after all. Suddenly on the morning horizon, multiple black helicopters emerged, red squares with white cross marks on the sides. It was them, the two companies. Angela released the breath she'd been holding in her chest, but her worry wasn't over. Two of the four helicopters had thick black smoke trailing off of them. So that's why they'd been late. They'd been attacked on their way here. She waited for the helicopters to get closer. The two that were undamaged landed safely, and the one company that they carried exited and hurried over to Angela. They turned their heads to watch the other two helicopters. One landed with some difficulty, while the other still hovered above. Angela looked to the soldier next to her, who was a Captain and Commander of the unscathed company. "What's the issue? Are they unable to land?" The Lieutenant nodded his head a bit. "They are having a lot of electrical malfunctions. Landing gear probably isn't responding, among other things. Their communications haven't been working for the past hour." "When did you get attacked?" Angela asked. "Over Greece. No one in this company was injured, but we don't know the conditions of the others. We've been told we're all under your command, Doctor Ziegler. I know we're late. What do you want my company to do?" Angela looked around a bit. "Find Captain Amari, she's a jumper. Her armor is blue, shouldn't be hard to spot. Her unit is the one we'll be tagging along with. Follow any instruction she gives you." The Commander saluted then motioned for his company to follow. Angela remained waiting for the other helicopter to land. The one on the ground billowing smoke opened up and the portion of the second company it was carrying scurried out. A few were wounded, but nothing severe. Angela waved them over to her location and she treated them herself. Once they were ready, she sent them to follow the first company. Looking back up to the sky, the severely damaged chopper was still hovering. Without warning, it lost altitude and slammed hard into the ground, steel twisting into a deathtrap. Fires ignited and panicked Swiss soldiers crawled out of the wreckage wherever they could. Angela was frozen in shock for a moment before running in to assist her countrymen. She had to do something. Some Egyptian soldiers ran in to help as well, showing unity despite these soldiers not even being of their own country. Angela reached into the twisted metal, feeling flames lick her arm. She felt a hand grasp hers, and she pulled hard. She tugged a young man free of the wreck, grabbing him under his arms and dragging him to a safe area. Her arm stung, but she wasn't a priority. The Egyptians soon got everyone they could out before the inferno encapsulated the helicopter. Anyone left within it was nothing more than a charred skeleton by now. Angela focused on healing the wounded, while other medics offered their own assistance. She looked to them. "Don't waste your supplies on those with minor wounds! I will take care of them! If there is anyone with a severe wound, try to stop the bleeding or clean the burn, set any broken bones, and just leave the hard work to me!" She called out. She could take care of her people. The Egyptians need not waste their resources just before an important deployment, and it seemed that the medics listened to her. They tended to those with serious injuries, leaving the minor ones for Angela to deal with alone. She moved from man to man, hands soon becoming red with blood as she healed each person. By the time she'd gotten to everyone, she was exhausted, and they were to deploy in only a few minutes. Those who were fine to deploy were quickly on their feet, joining the other company. It appeared that only four soldiers had died in the crash. The pilot and copilot, then two others that were assumed dead from the fire that still raged. It was still two companies. Angela's chest heaved with fatigued breaths. This could have been much worse. Only four died, and the wounded were back in shape and ready to go thanks to Angela's nanotechnology. This deployment would be rough, as she found herself depleted of her strength. She took off her gloves and slid them into her bag. She'd don them when she needed. Walking over to where the two companies awaited, Angela went to the front of the formation. The Commander of the first company had assumed control of both. He looked to the pale woman. "We only lost four. I'm taking over leadership of both companies, since the Captain of the second company is dead." He was surprisingly stalwart, and ready to get going. There wasn't a hint of hesitation in his voice. The Swiss had clearly sent some very hardy soldiers. It brought a bit of relief to Angela, who nodded her head. "Very well. I'm leaving all of this in your capable hands, Commander." She sighed, bringing a hand to her head. "I hope your soldiers aren't as tired as I am." The Captain shook his head. "We never tire. These two companies are the best Switzerland could send. I'm former Special Forces, and the rest of my company are my own hand-picked platoons. The General ordered me to gather the best I could to assist Egypt, so that two companies would feel more like a Battalion. The 2nd Company was hand-picked by other other Captain, who was a combat veteran. He knew what it takes to win a war." Angela felt even more relief. "Fareeha will be happy to hear that your soldiers are all so tough. Maybe things will go well after all."