[hr][hr][center][h2]Planetary Information[/h2][/center][hr][hr] [img]https://amuse-images.vice.com/wp_upload/2015/08/North-Island_Seychelles_aerial_VLADI-PRIVATE-ISLANDS.jpg?resize=1024:1024&output-quality=75[/img][hr][hr] [center][color=red]New Hope Island (foreground) Paradise Mount Island (background)[/color][/center] It is 20% larger than Earth with small ice caps and no landmass larger than 50 kilometers in any length and the highest point above sea level is 200 meters The climate is by and large subtropical and only drops below freezing near the poles and as high as 37.7 °C (100 °F) at the equator. There is observed a powerful Category 3 Cyclone (Hurricane) which is theorized to have been in existence for at least the last 10,000 years. (Category 3: Winds ranging from 111 to 130 mph) Scans reveal that there is a scattered population of around 750 people (375 Humans, 100 Andorians, 120 Centaurians with 155 mixed) The largest concentration (267) is on large island atop a plateau with little evidence of technology beyond Tech Level Two other than the three shuttles