[center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PemnngS9MHM]Salve Jumani[/url][/h1] [i]Let's not screw up now[/i][/center] Aww Jumani had done it again, he forgot that that calling out Leins' name is entirely forbidden when they're fighting and transformed, revealing each others identity can be very detrimental if their identity gets revealed to the wrong person. How he could forget that nobody can figure out who they are in a transformed state was beyond his own teammate. Even someone who shifts form as little as Jumani can't be easily recognised. With a small flick on the forehead, Jumani was chastised with good reason. [color=f26522](upuu.. That one really hurt compared tot he last one, Lein-kun must be severely angered about something...)[/color] Rubbing his forehead Jumani apologised with his whole heart on the line. Jumani believes he could do nothing worse than disappoint his teammates, he'd only recently befriended Kim, despite how much Jumani would testify to their closeness, their friendship was really only on the rocks after just being crafted some time ago. He places Kim on high pedestal and would love nothing more to become as strong as him, being able to waste shadows into nothing with a single strike. Following his eyes, Kim seemed to looking at somebody in the area, turning around Jumani didn't catch the person but saw his bubble barrier fly off with the civilian still inside. Awe struck, Jumani had no idea his bubbled could fly, that was of course until he barely noticed the figure carrying it away. Cupping his hands to his mouth Jumani shouted towards his bubble. "[color=f26522]Thankyou for taking to the cover! Captain and myself will attend to the baddies here![/color]" Whilst Jumani was distracted by the bubbles' mysterious courier, a shadow began to fester and bubble, shaping it's malformed body into existence to the side of Jumani whom was blissfully unaware at the time. From up above came his captain, destroying the shadow in one single strike. In awe Jumani was amazed, but he could see the fire burning in Kims' eyes, something had must have angered him. On command he aided Kim in the battle. Firing bullet to the sky, raining bullets of magical raining, striking the shadows from above, these small assaults would stun lager foes, giving Kim a chance to defeat them faster. "[color=f26522]Worry nort captain! I shall cover you like honey syrup that can't be washed off[/color]"