With a sincere nod and a quiet "thank you", Quinn took the cereal bar and proceeded to eat it in small, conscientious bites. There was lull in the moment where the group had grown quiet and Quinn involuntarily retreated inward. [i]"Do it, Harris," the gruff voice of Colonel Elias Vex whispered harshly into a broken man's ear. Quinn still had both of his eyes, and beneath the dirt and sweat was a face unscarred, but carrying the weight of sallow grief all the same. The loss of his wife and daughters was much fresher in his heart and mind and their face still retained distinguishing features in his memory. "Slit her throat, Harris." Quinn felt the weight of a colossal hand slap a knife against his chest with enough force to rock him back a little. He knew though, that was Vex's version of a soft tap. The titan of a man had enough strength in one hand to squish Quinn's head like a grape. Quinn took the knife in his own hand and knelt down by the crying woman, eyes speaking odysseys of inhuman pain and torment. Twenty men had taken her, broken her and violated her. Quinn had been no exception. It was a mercy to drag the knife across her throat. Her face went slack, her eyes dulled over and the dead weight of her figure fell with a thump onto the dirty ground. "Congratulations, Harris. You've earned your fatigues at last."[/i] Quinn was brought back to the present by the vague impression of Alyssa's voice. He had not heard what she had said, so he did not reply. He hadn't had a flashback that vivid for a long while. Alyssa had nearly been another body left in the dust, another throat slit. He wouldn't speak on the things that had been done to her, the things he had done and had let be done. He realized he had been staring, and self-consciously looked down at the ground, clenching his hand into a fist beneath his poncho and nibbling at the cereal bar.