Maria’s face lit up like a Mordian battle line at the mention of the sheer volume of knowledge she had suddenly been given access to. She had been expecting to be lead to some restricted selection of nigh useless tomes, undoubtedly even then heavily censored by the Inquisition. Instead, she seemed to have suddenly been given as close to carte blanche access to the available knowledge as there existed in the 41st Millenium - outside of whatever lore of the old galaxy the Eldar might have stashed away somewhere. She didn’t even bother to remark on the Inquisitor’s calling her pyromancy an “unusual” skill, so excited she was to get to reading. But, as always happens, the other members of the group just [i]had[/i] to go and start bitching at each other. Somebody seemed to have a bit of insecurity over her height. Apparently, the mercenary had never had to tolerate taller people using her as an arm rest or other undignified purpose. She quirked an eyebrow in amusement at first, though as the confrontation escalated her brow furrowed, and fire began dancing along her eyes. She could taunt the overzealous Krieg guardsman later, but for now there were some things that needed straightening out. The Inquisitor seemed disinclined to put a stop to things, and so Maria grudgingly stepped up. She was no stranger to physically stopping arguments before they turned violent, but she’d never been able to see just what effect adding a little fire to the mix would have. Flames, brilliant and blue reaching into white, erupted along her entire body in furious jets. Maria herself didn’t feel the heat, beyond a little extra warmth, but anybody standing next to her, or indeed within the general vicinity, would be immediately blasted with a massive wave of scorching air that would burn the lungs and any other exposed surfaces if lingered in too long. In this middle of this maelstrom of flame Maria grinned maniacally, calmly striding over to Adrianne and Vala and calling out over the sound of the flame, “How about we…” the flames vanished as suddenly as they had come, save for a seeming ball of plasma sitting in her hand, “cool things down a little?” She winked at the both of them, before narrowing her eyes. “Kill each other later, for now, you two are going to get along, or I swear upon the Golden Throne I’ll make you wish you were captured by Chaos.”