[quote=@PKMNB0Y] [@KoL]: Er... Hoo boy. Well, here we go again. You subverted problem number 1 but didn't solve it. Just remove that while bounded field mess if it ain't happening in this RP. It's like legacy code in a program: you look at it and remember a past iteration, which is nice for record keeping, but ultimately it serves no other purpose. Problem number two: Everyone's characters are getting to the starting location by using their own resources. How's an uneducated child who lives on the streets supposed to get halfway across the world to an island in the Pacific? ... How do you even get in contact or find her to do so in the first place? Tip: Sometimes elegant, simple histories are the best. [/quote] Got it. I guess I'll have to get back to doing it all over again, or doing a completely different character. Whatever works best. As to answer why I cram the info on magic parameters on my CSs, I guess that the simple answer is because I like quantifiable stuff, it's not really meant to have any practical purpose in first place. That's just personal preference, it's not to create a, ahem... "dick measuring contest" on the RP. Or annoy anyone. I agree on the simplistic story stuff, really. I'm too used to doing complicated stuff that I kind of forget what passes as real simple. Either way, I'll get either a reworked version of Fried or another character done by tomorrow at most.