[hider=Scathach] [b]Name:[/b]Scathach [b]Class:[/b] Lancer [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Scathach] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UzvdRRU2yDo/V4jsu1IbJaI/AAAAAAAByIw/EQ-7o15BjuUiRnG_bJh3nOIgHfTgthKFA/w426-h602/16%2B-%2B1[/img] [/hider] [i][b]Abilities:[/b][/i] [list] [*] [b]Strength:[/b] B [*] [b]Endurance:[/b] A [*] [b]Agility:[/b] A [*] [b]Mana:[/b] C [*] [b]Luck:[/b] D [*] [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] B [/list] [u][b]Magic Resistance (A):[/b][/u] Her divine nature combined with her combat of spirits in the past has given her an extremely high resistance to magic. [u][b]Primordial Rune (-):[/b][/u] Lancer holds knowledge of ancient Runes that come from an olden age, thus allowing her to use classical Rune magic. [u][b]God Slayer (B):[/b][/u] As the demonic realms gatekeeper, Lancer gains a plus modifier when fighting Divine Spirits, wraiths, and Servants with the divinity skill. [u][b]Clairvoyance (A):[/b][/u] Having seen the death of her own pupil, Lancer can track fast moving targets from a distance and also possess clairvoyance, able to peer into the future. [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] [u][b]Gae Bolg Alternative[/b][/u] [b]Type[/b]: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army [b]Rank:[/b] B+ [b]Description: [/b] Similar to the spear she bestowed upon her pupil Cu Chulain, Scathach possesses two Gae Bolg Alternatives, both functioning similarly to the one used by her student. As long as her Noble Phantasms exist, those wounded by the spears are cursed, unable to heal their injuries under any circumstance. On top of this, she can call upon its true power, Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death. Leaping into the air, Scathach can hurl Gae Bolg Alternative with a destructive and explosive force that explodes on impact, blowing away all that stands in its way. [b]Personality:[/b] Scatach has been said to be a very proud and noble woman, while at the same time serving no one but herself. Her birth into the ruling class is evident in how she holds herself. She holds the ideal "reigning as a queen that bestows happiness to the people", bestowing kindness and good will towards those who she deems worthy and even teaching those with great potential. In fact, one can say that she possesses a talent for seeing the true character and traits of a person that even they may not notice. She values courage and great determination, and wishes to always find a good challenge and a worthy foe. Her lust for battle is unquenchable Understanding her talent and ability, Scathach knows full well that few can stand toe to toe with her, though she longs for the day she is proven wrong.Out of all things, what Scathach laments most is her inability to experience death. If she could make a wish on the grail, it would be to allow someone to be able to kill her, especially if it's a certain pupil of hers... Other: [/hider]