[center][h1][color=fff200]Piper Lance[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][hider=Piper Lance][img]https://s20.postimg.org/6n530o8q5/images_39.jpg[/img][img]https://s20.postimg.org/jhydfglyl/female_werewolf.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Piper looked at Violet and she seemed to be quiet and thinking to herself. Why had she not mentioned this piece of evidence? As his maker couldn't she summon him and kill him on the spot? If so why didn't she? Was Violet afraid of him? Piper had so many questions but she didn't want to look stupid or uneducated in all things vampire. So she kept quiet. She wished that someone here would just explain how they were going to kill Dracula and what happened if it didn't work this time? Did they have a plan B? Piper sighed not having a clue on what they were really going to do when the pull started. [color=fff200]"No!"[/color] Piper grabbed onto the doorway. Her body was betraying her and she yelled.[color=fff200] "Nora, he is summoning me! I can't stop, how do I stop him?"[/color] She told the wolves to stay with the ghost and do what he said. [color=fff200]"Vladimir! The wolves will listen to you!"[/color] Violet seemed undisturbed that Piper was just summoned against her will. She seemingly was more concerned about the scratches that Piper had made in her wall. Nora knew that nothing could be done at the moment about Piper. She was going to have to handle it all on her own. Her body started running to where Dracula had summoned her to. Along the way Piper changed into a lycan so that when she arrived in front of Dracula she was a beast that he couldn't get near. Her thrashing and snapping kept his minions back. She could only do this for so long until she was exhausted. Luckily for her she had a high adrenaline factor. She was caged and this time he made sure it was a new cage and it was much stronger than the other one had been. Piper refused to turn back to either wolf or human form and Dracula was not pleased about this. He ordered her whipped and starved until he could break her. [@wraithblade6] [@blackpanther][@ojo chan 42][@mrzerkon][@dabombjk]