[quote=@ADamnFiddle] [hider=Shinobu Shiratori] Name: Shinobu Shiratori Age: 18 Appearance [hider=Appearance]: [img] http://i.imgur.com/VYmWr5t.jpg [/img] [/hider] Personality: Shinobu is a bit of a rebel. An individual who refuses to listen to authority, and often goes about thing her own way, even if it usually ends up to not favor her. The sort who would discuss any sort of discussion she so chooses, even if statements might hurt the individuals involved. Though she would say something akin to “People need tougher skins”, she nevertheless gets upset when others point out flaws within herself. Arrogance is the defining trait most people will know her for. She appears to look down upon others as often as she speaks to them and seems to have complete confidence in her actions, regardless of what they currently are. Even if she doesn’t have a plan, she tends to act in a way that might display confidence in her actions, as she believes herself to have the ability to win. However, she seems to only show this side to other mages. Her normal personality seems to emphasis her more cold and collective side of herself. Though somewhat rational when the need may be, she had been known to enter certain "fits" or "episodes" of irrational thought. Most of the time she sports herself as a strong-willed female, though has been known to show affection towards others given the right scenario. Despite her rather insensitive speech, she seems to care genuinely for those around her and would not want to harm those she genuinely cares for unless absolutely necessary. Has an unhealthy obsession with cute stuffed animals that she would never tell anyone about. Please don’t look in her room. There is nothing to see there. I swear. Abilities: Origin: Efficiency Quantity of Magic Circuits: D Quality of Magic Circuits: B Od: A Houjutsu: A Japanese system of Magecraft. Involves divination, astrology, Shikigami, calendar making, fortune blessing and cursing, walking on water, and Astral healing. Spirit Removal: With a simple hand movement, spirits and monstrous things are crushed like it’s nothing. Similar to the Shinto method of spirit purification Even if a spirit isn’t crushed, its power is diminished greatly for a vast time. History: Shinobu lived a pretty simple life. Though of a pair of twins, her sister had died during birth due to complications. However this did not seem to bother the Shiratori household. A japanese mage who was taught all she knew from her father, Kosaku. Though her training was not all sunshine and rainbows, it wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy the teachings of her father and the learning of her own history. She hid her powers from her peers, as a magus should, which caused a difference in her personalities when dealing with the occult vs normalcy, her normal personality acting cold and indifferent to others and against magus her actions seeming more harsh. During her training, her father had trained both her mind and body for the purpose of being a magus. The classical believe that the body and mind are linked. Of course, most of the training went towards the magecraft, but her skills in physical combat should not be scoffed at. Other: Knows jujitsu. Throws a really good hook. [/hider] [/quote] Just wanted to say that her and Felix seem both similar and different enough in a way that they'd both absolutely hate each other, so that's great!