[center] [hider=Margarita Reynard] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/49b73cc6-f811-4256-8044-4de2be9ce304.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [color=yellow]Margarita Reynard[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=yellow]56[/color] [b]Personality[/b] [color=yellow] Long lived and considered matronly by her peers, Margarita is a solid fixture in a turbulent world. Through the merit of surviving as long as she has, many find themselves drawn to her for everything from critical information on Enforcer duties to casual conversations. A natural people person, Margarita is more then eager to socialize under her own initiative with the air of experience that carries with it no small degree of warmth. Of course, being in the line of work she is, Margarita isn't one to be bogged down by lose nor will she let her sentiments get in the way of completing the mission laid out before her. Decades of experience has instilled a strong work ethic into her which is unwavering in the pursuit of her goals.[/color] [b]Abilities[/b] Enforcers Toolkit: [color=yellow]A broad term to describe the basic magecraft any Enforcer should know, usually pertaining to bounded fields, reinforcement, spiritual surgery, scrying, and formal craft sealing rituals to detain dangerous magi or magical creatures. While nothing particularly special, they are still the fundamental skills any magus would be better enriched to know. Most importantly, Margarita knows how to perform botched formal craft and not be killed in the resulting explosion.[/color] Mystic Code - [i]Margarita's Ensemble[/i]: [color=yellow]A custom made outfit commissioned by a wealthy noble heavily whose fortune laid in the production of latest fashions for magical high society. The families head personally saw to its creation and enchantment in recompense for Margarita repeatedly saving the life, and dignity, of his inept heir. A bribe it may be, but it boasted considerable enchantments that enhanced durability and strength without the dangers of reinforcement. As expected of garments worthy of a noble, they are self cleaning and self repairing if given ample time. [/color] Mystic Code - [i]Fox & Hound[/i]: [color=yellow]Twin muskets are Margarita's original mystic code and the focal point for her magecraft. Rather then firing a physical projectile, complex arrays etched into the barrel collect ambient prana and form a musket ball of Ether. When fired it is noted for being more effective against a more prana rich target, and the recharge process can be drastically accelerated by introducing Margarita's own prana or using a substitute prana store (Gems, Fetishes, etc.). [/color] [b]History[/b] [color=Yellow]As Margarita sees it, Enforcers have long been considered a necessary element in regards to maintaining the secrecy of the moonlit world, though those who do follow the path are not looked upon too kindly. Dedicating themselves to pursuing errant Sealing Designates, Dead Apostles, and any other threat to the hidden nature of magecraft, they live perilous lives without the opportunity for persuing the social and academic circles of others. This means they must either seek to ingratiate themselves into the service of an influential Lord, like the private battalion sworn to the Vice Director, or you commiserate among your own. For forty long years, Margarita has lived and breathed her work, and she couldn't have imagined things any other way. There wasn't the time to pursue academic or social interests outside the Enforcer ranks, but they found that one could make ample progress in their craft through practical experience. Margarita may not have had the easiest life, the magus creed never more evident then when confronted with empty bar stools or cleaned out lockers from those who did not return from their hunts, it left her fulfilled. She had been ready to keep at the hunts till the day she expired, but as was usual for anything related to the Wizard Marshall, things had not gone according to plan.[/color] [/hider] [/center] Don't worry Faust, she'll give you plenty of cake and treats~ [@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR]