[hider=Katenka][list][*]Name: Katenka Makiri [*]Age: 20 [*]Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/yBinLVB.png]Something like this.[/url] [*]Personality: Socially awkward and a bit shy, Katenka tends to come off as a little odd to others. She doesn't really talk much, but when she does she does so at length and finds it hard to stop until she invariably ends up embarrassing herself, upon which she'll suddenly become very quiet again. Whilst outwardly she looks rather gloomy and, well, gothic, her demeanour is actually relatively cheerful, or at the very least not as dour and depressed as she looks. For some reason, she thinks her familiars are cute, and gets rather sad when people think otherwise. [*]Abilities: Like most members of the Makiri family, Katenka possesses an affinity towards Water, but although she possesses a sizable amount of mana she is not especially capable of putting this to good use; her spell repertoire is rather limited, with her only really being able to use rather basic spells of which none are really exceptionally notable or powerful. Instead, she focuses more on the creation and command of a plethora of familiars. Said familiars are both distantly related to Zouken Matou's crestworms, although due to selective breeding and cultivation they are almost unrecognizable as such, and are mostly used for medicinal purposes. Katenka usually carries about containers of two specific breeds:[list][*]Ether Leeches: A breed of magical, bright red leeches that grow to about a foot long each. Rather than blood, they feed upon mana, and by sucking it out from a wound they accelerate the healing process, causing wounds to close up. Whilst it is not their [i]intended[/i] usage, Ether Leeches are an effective anti-magic weapon, and are notably somewhat capable of disrupting bounded fields by sucking out the mana powering them. [*]Argent Maggots: A breed of roughly five-inch long maggots whose metallic skin makes them look like wriggling lengths of mercury. Whilst they eat rotten biological material like regular maggots, they also have a taste for curses, and are used to cure people who have been cursed. Only curses caused by modern mage craft or [i]very[/i] low level Noble Phantasms can be removed this way, and in the latter case a large number of Argent Maggots are needed in order to remove it. By absorbing curses, Argent Maggots grow steadily more bloated, until they burst open into their mature form of Argent Flies; these large albino flies are swift, highly aggressive, and prefer their meat fresh, and the only thing that prevents them from going berserk and attacking indiscriminantly is Katenka's control over them.[/list] [*][hider=History]As the name might suggest, Katenka belongs to the Makiri family of mages, most well known for spawning one of the masterminds of the Holy Grail War concept, Zouken Matou. However, sometime during the early 20th-century her great-grandfather left Japan due to philosophical differences with the family patriarch... Said "philosophical differences" being that he'd began to realize the depths of Zouken's depravity and insanity and really wanted nothing to do with it. Fleeing the country with his immediate family before Zouken could realize he'd turned against him, he ended up in Los Angeles, California, where life was relatively calm and peaceful... That is, until World War II broke out, and... Well, to put it simply, the fact that they were from a Russo-Japanese family made things a little hard for them for a while. Due to their time in the internment camps, they had little opportunity to teach and research magic, and thus once they were released their skills were left somewhat stunted. This is something they've never really recovered from, and as such they started to focus less on spells and more specifically on familiars, treading a similar yet thankfully different path to their ancestor Zouken by creating various worm- and insect-based familiars. The latest in line of Makiri mages, Katenka was brought up to follow these new traditions, and took rather quickly to the art of familiar creation and cultivation. She's never exactly been the most powerful or accomplished mage in the world, and she'll be the first to admit that her life has been pretty boring and uneventful up to this point, so she was rather surprised when she received the call to become a Master. Still, she wasn't going to turn down the invitation, and thus... Well, here she is, feeling a bit awkward about the whole situation really.[/hider] [*]Other: [/list][/hider]