[center][h1][color=0054a6][i][b] The Prescott Siblings[/b][/i][/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/qI2nV_zpsyq7hic3n.jpg[/img][/center] [center][H1][color=0054a6][i][b]Prescott Manor[/b][/i][/color] [/h1][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Prescott%20Manor_zpsiwxvynni.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h1] [color=0054a6][i][b]The Prescotts are the last of the Original vampires.[/b][/i] [/color][/h1][/center] For the last 1200 years, I have wandered the world. We Originals have been able to do so thanks to our everlasting curse, [b][i]Sanguinare Vampiris[/i][/b]. In the common tongue we are called Vampires. What makes us different than the rest of vampire kind is that we were the first vampires from which most can trace their creators lineage through. We are stronger, faster, and much more powerful through centuries of honing our skills. We are very old, and even we cannot remember the details of our creation. Not perfectly. What we do know is that it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our kind. We realize that humanity is not ready to face the truth, that the supernatural roam their earth. We try to stay our hand from the current affairs of human and supernatural society, but when drastic actions needs to happen we shall be there. This goes for everyone in our community not just for the vampires. We step in for any supernatural event. What started this tale is we have come to Elyria, Ohio on reports of vampiric unrest. The elders there have fallen silent, and we intend on figuring out why. [hider=Character Sheet] Photo: Age: Height: Weight: Personality: History: Species: (if vampire which sire line) [color=fff200]Anything that pertains to abilities such as parentage MUST be in your C.S. sheet before approval. OR it must be approved by the GM as soon as it comes up in the story.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Species] [color=0054a6]There are four Species in this rp aside from Humans. They are defined with their capabilities below. If you are changed from one species to another your character gives up the abilities that go with the first species. Ex: If a witch is bitten by a wolf or a vampire that witch is no longer able to use magic. They are now animated by a different type of magic and cannot use both types.[/color] [color=0054a6] Witch:[/color] A person who can cast spells and make magical potions. Normally witches are part of a coven and are ruled over by a head witch or a regent. The more witches that are involved in casting a spell the more powerful it will be. Some witches can be temporary vessels for spirits. [color=fff200]Witches are the only ones who are capable of using magic, no other species is allowed.[/color] [color=0054a6]Vampire:[/color] An undead being that subsists by feeding on the life essence (Blood) of the living. They have heightened senses such as hearing and eyesight. They also have inhuman strength (can pick up 2 tons) and speed up to 75 miles an hour. A vampire's blood can heal if ingested. They are nocturnal by nature and can shift into the mist or a bat. The sunlight weakens them although it doesn't kill them. Strong vampires have power of suggestion over others. They have healing regeneration. [color=fff200]To become a vampire the human must be drained of blood and taken to ground and buried overnight with the vampire who drained them. They must feed on the vampire when they arise the next evening. [/color] [color=0054a6]Werewolf: [/color]A human that can shape shift into a human and a wolf. The bite of a wolf can kill a vampire if it is deep enough and in the right place. Werewolves are fast and strong. Although not as fast as vampires what they lack in speed (topping out about 65mph) they make up for in agility. It allows them to turn on a dime at top speed. Their reflexes are heightened as is their hearing and vision. They also have healing regeneration. Werewolves can shift at any point in time into the other form. However, the first time is always on a full moon and ALL FULL MOONS will cause them to change into the lycanthrope form. [color=0054a6] Hybrid: [/color][color=fff200]A werewolf that is also a vampire. This species is rare and it has to happen in a certain way. The human MUST be dying from the werewolf transformation and be bitten and taken to ground by a vampire. This is the ONLY way to become a hybrid.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Posting Header] [center]This goes at the top of every post unless it is a collaboration post[/center] [hr] [center]Your character photo goes here[/center] [hr] [center][h1]character name [/h1][/center] [center][h1] Species [/h1][/center] [/hider] [hider=The Originals] The Originals are special vampires because as the first they are practically unkillable. [color=fff200]There is only one thing that can kill an Original Vampire and that is the White Oak Stake. [/color]It causes them to desiccate into nothing but dust. They are not able to be killed by any of the following: 1. The[color=fff200] White Ash Dagger will simply immobilize the Original[/color] until the dagger is removed. (Aka this is what Klaus did to his siblings often.) 2. Unlike regular vampires, Original vampires can't be killed by werewolf bites. They will fall victim to the same side effects (which we saw happen to Elijah in Season 1), but they'll only last a few hours. 3. Wooden daggers do not work. 4. Sunlight will make them uncomfortable but it will not kill an original. 5. Magic will not kill an original Vampire. Sorry witches! 6. They can't die from a beating or other physical injuries. Their heads can't be decapitated unless they are staked with the white oak stake first. 7. Fire is uncomfortable til healing is finished but they can't die from it. There is only one White Oak Stake left in existence and one White Ash dagger. These are all confirmed and are according to the TV series that this rp is based on. [/hider] [center][h2][color=0054a6]Rules[/color][/h2][/center] [center]1. No godmodding. Everyone can die.[/center] [center]2. Normal guild rules apply.[/center] [center]3. Romance is fine but porn is not. It's PG-13, everything is ok until the clothes come off then fade to black.[/center] [center][color=fff200]4. My word is law.[/color] So goes for my Co-GM's.[/center][center][color=fff79a][b][i]The GM of an RP has every right to kill off characters as they see fit. Consider them lord and master of all they survey within their own roleplays. So if @Wick kills your character and tells you to leave... you leave.[/i][/b][/color]-per Hank, moderator [/center] [center]5. More rules will appear if needed.[/center] [center]6. Mention people in posts![/center] [center][color=fff200]7. You must write at least three posts a week. If for some reason you can't you need to let the gm's know in ooc by tagging all three or by pm in group conversation to all three. If you are gone for longer than a week without any word from you, your character will be killed off.[/color][/center] [center]8. Swearing is allowed in the IC but keep it civil in the OOC.[/center]