[hider=Lucinda Prescott] [hr] [center] [h1][color=ed1c24][i][b]Lucinda Elloise Prescott[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [center] [img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Girls/befffd5e9201063216532eb3d6e8a64d_zps0hexzv3t.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] About 1200 yrs old Original- looks to be about mid twenties [color=ed1c24]Height:[/color] 5'5" [color=ed1c24]Weight:[/color] 125 [color=ed1c24]Species:[/color] Vampire [color=ed1c24]Personality: [/color]A bit of a leader, Lucinda tends to get into situations she would not always like to have to handle. Lucinda takes care of business and she pulls no punches about what she wants. If you are standing in her way you had better have a really good reason for doing so. She is not known for backing down or hiding her feelings. She is kind, loving and nurturing and protective of her family. Not even God will be able to help you if you screw with her family. [color=ed1c24]History:[/color]Lucinda has been with Garrett and Tabitha since the beginning of their immortal lives. She couldn't imagine being away from them for long. They have weathered many obstacles including each other's love lives and enemies. [color=ed1c24]Species:[/color] [color=f7976a]Original Vampire [/color][/hider] [hider=Alex North] [color=007236]Photo:[/color][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Alex_zpsf9ry2gng.jpg[/img] [center][h1][color=007236][i][b] Alex North[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] [color=007236]Age:[/color] 850 yrs old looks mid to late 20's [color=007236]Height:[/color] 6'2" [color=007236]Weight:[/color] 200 lbs [color=007236]Personality: [/color] Quick witted and smart Alex North has been Lucinda's enforcer and sometimes lover. Although their relationship is one of convenience she is his maker and he is loyal to her above all. He is a true bad boy, if he isn't causing trouble he somehow manages to walk right into it. He is usually dressed in jeans with a black tank top with a black leather jacket over it. He and Piper were a couple for over 100 years so he has a soft spot in his heart with her name on it. [color=007236]History:[/color] Most of his human life he won't discuss as it is very painful. Most of his vampire life has been fun and frivolous except when working for Lucinda. [color=007236]Species:[/color] Lucinda's Vampire Line [/hider] [hider=Piper Lance] [center][h1][color=fff200]Piper Lance[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Piper%20Lance1_zps85vmstxo.jpg[/img][/center] Name:[color=fff200] Piper Lance[/color] Age: [color=fff200]200 yrs looks 25[/color] Species: [color=fff200]Hybrid Werewolf/Vampire[/color] Height/Weight: [color=fff200] 5'5" 135lbs [/color] backstory: [color=fff200]Piper was 18 and away at college when she was bitten by her werewolf friend at school. On the first full moon her body went into the change. Not expecting it she was on a date and she was exposed to anyone in the area. Lucinda happened along and seeing that the girl was dying from the werewolf change she bit her and took her to ground making her a vampire. The vampirism healed her during her change to wolf so she became a hybrid. Lucinda considers her her most interesting creation to date. Piper and Alex were a couple for over 100 years.[/color] powers: [color=fff200]She has super human strength (up to 2 tons), speed(70mph), healing and all of her senses are heightened [/color] Skills: [color=fff200]Piper loves to cook and she does it well.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Lukas Liekos] [center] [img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/e2327177-b7b3-4b1c-83c2-ea0841d3b4d1_zpsyoiurn0k.jpg[/img][/center] [color=0054a6]Name: [/color] Lukas Liekos [color=0054a6]Age: [/color]28 [color=0054a6]Species:[/color] Werewolf/Lycan [color=0054a6]Height/Weight: [/color] 6'1 & 195lbs backstory: Lukas was bitten by a werewolf one night as a teenager, 19 days later he became one. That was 15 years ago. He has just gotten into town and has been recruited by the pack in the Salazar area. The first thing he did was imprint on Piper as she did on him. [color=0054a6]Skills: [/color]Woodworking and carpentry skills. Likes Basketball and women. [/hider]