[hr][center][h1]|| [color=slategray]Toby[/color] & [color=seagreen]Meg[/color] [color=#708090]Y[/color][color=#638285]a[/color][color=#568479]z[/color][color=#48876e]a[/color][color=#3b8962]w[/color][color=#2e8b57]a[/color] ||[/h1] [/center][hr] Other than the little hiccup with the girl called Irvette, the rest of the lesson went smoothly without further fuss. Everything was going well so far... Maybe he would be able to live a normal [i]human[/i] life even with this cursed condition for eternity. Still, he knew he couldn't be complacent and let down his guard yet. Keeping the vampire's natural thirst for blood in check would be a struggle he had to deal with for the rest of his long, immortal life. Also, he had to be wary of those who were like Irvette, with observation skill too sharp for their own good. For one, he had to hold back his insane speed and strength - gathering up his books as slowly as he could, and trying to blend in with the other students as they all walked out of the room. Everyone around him seemed to be occupied with their own friends and personal commitments to spare a thought for him. Today was probably a good day for him. Even better that he didn't have any classes in the afternoon, which meant that he had the rest of his day off... away from the humans, and do some hunting to silence the itchiness in his throat. He continued his slow stroll out of the university grounds and headed to his car - a typical Subaru model. He had decided against going to school in a sports car, since he didn't want to attract any more unwanted attention on him, on top of his... ungodly appearance. Slipping into the vehicle, he reclined back into the leather seat and let out a sigh, when the mobile in his pocket vibrated against his thigh. He pulled the phone out, his brows furrowed at the message: [quote][code]Bet you're near your limit. Also, bears are in season.[/code][/quote] Toby scowled. While he knew he wasn't stable enough to be left alone, but this overprotectiveness from [i]her[/i] was rubbing the shadow of his rebellious, human teen self the wrong way, making him feel a little suffocated. [color=slategray][i]...Damn it.[/i][/color] [hr] Hidden a little way in the coniferous forest on the outskirts of the town, the Subaru car pulled up before a white modern cottage. Toby stepped out of the vehicle and looked up at his... home. With his only family from hereon. [color=seagreen]"...How long are you going to stand there gaping like an idiot?"[/color] He was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of a stern female voice. His sight fell on the willowy figure of Meg Yazawa at the door, with her arms crossed before her chest. He blinked, and she flashstepped to stand right in front of him. She was at least a head shorter than him, clad in figure-hugging dark green jumpsuit. [color=slategray]"A-Ah, Meg--"[/color] [color=seagreen]"It's rude to call your elders by first name,"[/color] Meg commented with narrowed eyes. [color=seagreen]"After all, I'm your [i]lifesaver[/i], and the only one who can guide you through the darkness to find your light."[/color] Toby averted Meg's stare. [color=slategray]"Sorry, [i]sister[/i]."[/color] [color=seagreen]"[i]Sister?[/i] Shouldn't you be calling me 'Mum'?"[/color] Toby frowned at the lady. [color=slategray]"You look too young to be a mother, even if you're... Nevermind,"[/color] he trailed off, realizing what he was about to say. Meg gave him a smirk, then turned around to walk back to the house. [color=seagreen]"I'm not so petty to get angry over something trivial as age, when time no longer mattered to [i]our kind[/i]."[/color] Glancing at him from the corner of her eye, she added, [color=seagreen]"Let's go and get some dinner... before the night falls."[/color] Toby scratched the back of his head, annoyed. Meg was as cryptic as ever - he wondered how much she had seen living for more than a century, to make her give off such an indifferent air in her manners and speech. Would he become more like her as time went by? [hr] [@Dusksong]