[hider= Garrett Prescott] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f32tkfBPOe8/UO8LzdTIkgI/AAAAAAAAGRk/B9IOAxSkxjc/s1600/cw-thevampirediaries-prt-isomerhalder_038042-c61e32-325x425.jpg[/img] Age:1200 Height: 6'2 Weight: 185 species: Original Vampire Personality: Garrett is never one to back down, not easily, and his sarcasm knows no bounds. While he cares very little for lives in general, he is very staunch in protecting free will and the ability to choose. He is not quick to anger, but can get bored rather easily. History: Garrett is one of the Original Vampires, and is the trouble maker of the three. Its not as if he does anything to violate ancient law, which fyi he was part of making along with the other two Originals, he just enjoys spending his free time freely. He stays with his family but he drinks when he wants, takes what he wants, and does what he wants. The only reason this has been allowed for so long because he is able to not cause havoc when he does what he does. Of the three Garrett is known for turning more people into vampire for random reasons than his two original partners. [/hider] [hider= Mako Novak] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dht5lOMucQo/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [center] Age: 27 [/center] [center] Gender: Male [/center] [center] Height: 5'11 [/center] [center] Weight: 178 [/center] [center] Species: Human/Warlock [/center] [center] Personality: Mako has a very innocent personality. He does not get jokes or sarcasm very easily, and does not take a hint easily either. But he is a fierce fighter, and is more than capable of defending himself. [/center] [center] History: Mako was born into a large family located in Elyria. He was not the oldest or youngest, he wasnt the strongest or fastest, nor the dumbest or smartest. But he was the most naturally gifted in the magical arts. He was often chosen for assignments by his eldest brother, who was in charge since their father had left a long time ago, when a supernatural issue arose. Issues would range from a magical creature needing rained in, to boundry issues between species in the city. This often made his brothers and sisters jealous, and he was often excluded from social gatherings in the family between siblings. This gave Mako a serious lack of experience with people and social interactions. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Samuel] [img]http://creativefan.com/important/cf/2012/12/mohawk-hairstyles-for-men/werewolf-transformation.jpg[/img] [center] Age: 32 [/center] [center] Height: 6'7 [/center] [center] Weight: 225 [/center] [center] Species: Werewolf [/center] [center] Personality: He is intense, very hands on, and rutheless. He doesnt have any particular goals in mind so when he wants something he takes it. When he cares about something (which is rare) he holds on to it. He would set an orphanage on fire to amuse himself, but thrown himself in front of a moving car to save someone he owes something to, or someone he cares about. [/center] [center] History: Has been a werewolf his entire life, always known about his history. He never fully transformed until he was 13. After that he killed his abusive father and drug addicted mother, and bounced around in the system until he was 18. Then he stole a harley and rode off to find his next conquest. [/center] [/hider] [hider= Grant Holiday] [img]http://i2.listal.com/image/2987523/600full-wade-poezyn.jpg[/img] [center] Age: 500 [/center] [center] Height: 6 foot [/center] [center] Weight: 176 [/center] [center] Species: Vampire - son and first spawn of Garrett Prescott [/center] [center] Personality: Grant is withdrawn, not very likely to conversate or contribute to a conversation, and prefers when people leave him alone. He is logical, and displays emotions only towards family. [/center] [center] History: Grant was the creation of intercourse between an Original vampire, Garrett Prescott, and a female human, Siranna Holiday. He was born human but on his thirteenth birthday he began to change into a vampire almost overnight. His aging processed slowed until he was 25, then he stopped aging physically completley. His mother died a few short years later due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time when the market she was at was robbed. Grant was infuriated, and sought to avenge her. In his search he met a particular assassin and was trained to hone his mind and emotions and was taught the art of stealth and assassination. [/center] [/hider]