[@KatherinWinter] *James chuckles as he hears Kyle talk, nodding before speaking* [color=yellow]"Maybe you can show me a thing or two about drawing, tried to get into it but didn't think I was that good."[/color] *Ya, this way he could try to make another friend. Drawing is an art he does enjoy, but hasn't been good at before. Hearing Helen speak about reading, nice to know someone else here enjoys it. Though he finds it hard to find a good book here and there when you are living on the streets. Looking over at Cecilia with a rather soft smile* [@Mangrale] [color=yellow]"That actually doesn't sound that bad, maybe it would be fun. Maybe I can join you sometime?"[/color] *What got him into asking her is weird to him. He trusts her and so far hasn't shown anyone Neric, though that can change in a matter of days. Part of him wants to trust her as he looks at the ball. Regaining his smile as he looks at her* [color=yellow]"Well Cecilia, heads up!"[/color] *Tossing the ball over to her, though makes sure he has her attention before doing so to avoid her getting hurt*