[hider=Berserker][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli [center][s]If in day of doom One deathless stands, Who death hast tasted And dies no more, The Serpent-Slayer, Seed of Woden, Then all shall not end, nor Earth perish… …for one they waited, the World’s Chosen…[/s][/center] [u][b]Title:[/b][/u] The False World's Chosen [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Berserker [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/190/94c9cd0464148e5305bddc115b8e92e31cab1c14.jpg?189696] A very Basic Profile [/url] Sinfjotli is a strikingly handsome youth with dark hair, a full beard and noble features. He is a large man, solidly built, over 6 feet tall and clad in a bright white chainmail byrnie that comes down almost to his knees. His eyes, framed by a spangenhelm of bright polished steel as white as snow, are grey and penetrating, quick to gleam with either mischievousness or malice. Despite his fine dress he carries a savage air about him, his skin while fair and smooth is marked with innumerable scars. Across his back is slung the pelt of a huge black wolf which trails behind him like a cloak. Its head reaches over his shoulder to lie upon his breast while the sightless holes of its eyes seem to still stare balefully at whoever he is facing. [u][b]Height:[/b][/u] 196 cm [u][b]Weight:[/b][/u] 95 kg [u][b]Alignment:[/b][/u] Chaotic Evil [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli is a moody man, kind and jovial but prone to sudden passions and wrath. Though he is often easy going when something impresses him the wrong way he is quick to anger, at which point he becomes implacable, unreasonable and merciless. He feels entitled to a great destiny and is bitter that it was taken from him, making him constantly sensitive to imagined slights. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Sinfjotli was born as the fulfillment of a promise. The Son of Sigmund's sister Signy of the line of the Volsung's it was believed by Sigmund that he was the fulfillment of the Volsung Prophecy, the ancient compact between the Volsung Clan and Odin promising that each generation would be stronger than the last untill it produced the World's Chosen, the foremost mortal champion of the gods at Ragnarok who will ensure the rebirth of the new world. The Volsung clan, always cursed with terrible fortune had been all but destroyed by the King Siggeir who betrayed them after marrying Signy because Sigmund would not yield the sword Gram to him. It was the family's lowest point, with Sigmund on the run living as an outlaw, and Signy bound in marriage to the man who had killed her family. Still the two siblings maintained faith and every 10 years Signy would send the son she had born by her terrible husband to Sigmund to test him and see if he was the World's Chosen. Each year however they failed the tests of courage that Sigmund set before them. When the ten year old Sinfjotli approached Sigmund the old warrior tested him by sewing the sleeves of his shirt into his flesh, and challenging the boy to stick his hand into a flour sack containing an adder. Unlike his siblings however Sinfjotli neither cried out in pain nor shrunk back in fear. He passed the trials, catching the adder and crushing it to death with his bare hands. Every other test that Sigmund set before him he similarly conquered untill at last the old Volsung rejoiced, for it was clear to him that the promise of Odin had been fulfilled and the World's Chosen stood before him. Little did Sigmund know that this could not be further from the truth, for Sinfjotli was a bastard and contaminated with incest. Signy, despising her husband and fearing that all her children would be craven if they were the sons of Siggeir had disguised herself as another woman and stolen away into the woods to sleep with Sigmund her brother to conceive the child. Unaware of this Sigmund raised Sinfjotli telling him of his destiny as the World's Chosen, and that he would win his glory by avenging the Volsung family against Siggeir. The two ventured forth into the world together, Sigmund training Sinfjotli in the ways of the warrior and growing ever more pleased as he grew stronger than Sigmund himself. One night as they were moving through the woods they came upon a pair of brigands fast asleep clothed in nothing but the skins of enormous wolves. Slaying the men, they took their wolfskins and found that they were capable of assuming the shapes of huge wolves themselves. Together they set out, hunting and slaying travelers along the roads. Though both slew many travelers, Sigmund was conservative, killing only when necessary, while Sinfjotli was reckless and terrible, slaughtering any he came across without mercy. Eventually he was confronted by a band of 11 great warriors, and undaunted he set upon them. Though the fight was fierce in the end he dispatched them all, but was wounded in the throat, the one place of weakness in his wolf shape. He would have died, but Sigmund came upon him and pressed a leaf to the wound in his throat, whereupon Sinfjotli immediately sprung to his feet, all his wounds healed in an instant. Using their strength at arms and their newfound lycanthropy they fought against and evaded Siggeir and his men time and time again, at one point escaping from a barrow that he had locked them in together. Eventually they infiltrated Siggeir's hall, slew his guards and made an end of Siggeir himself, though Signy died the very same night. Though it was unnecessary Sinfjotli cruelly slew both of Siggeir's young sons. Though they were only children and he believed them to be his brothers he showed them no mercy, shedding their blood to further insult the man he believed to be his father. Having avenged the Volsung clan Sinfjotli and Sigmund ventured out into the world once more, wandering aimlessly for a while as mercenaries and brigands until at last they came to Hunland and with their band of outlaws captured the town and installed Sigmund as King. For many years they ruled together conquering all around them and slaying seven other Kings who rose up to challenge them in battle. Altogether Sinfjotli faught 8 great battles, winning them all and establishing himself as the greatest warrior of his generation. The curse of the Volsungs was still in motion however, and Odin would allow no bastard to win the glory intended for the World's Chosen. Sinfjotli though the strongest Volsung who ever lived till then, and a hero without equal in his time, did not possess the character of the World's Chosen. He slew to many and to eagerly to ever win the love of his countrymen or of the gods, and many in his father's own cort despised him for slaying their relatives who had marched with the defeated kings. Sinfjotli was poisoned one night during a feast, falling dead in an instant after drinking a single sip of poisoned wine. Not having died in battle nor earned the love of his countrymen there was no way that he could be the World's Chosen. The death of the child who Sigmund had believed to be the savior of the Volsungs for so long devastated the old man. Broken and in despair Sigmund carried his body out into a fiord where Odin was waiting for him to carry the body away. The death of Sinfjotli was the end for Sigmund for he lost the will to rule When the next king arose to challenge him Sigmund went into battle against his host and was slain by Odin himself, the legendary sword Gram breaking on his spear shaft. Because of Sinfjotli the true Worlds Chosen, Sigurd would be raised away from his family and endure many hardships eventually leading to his own doom. Though they existed a generation apart from each other Sigurd and Sinfjotli are brothers, hero's in equal measure to one another save that destiny favored the pure born child. Now intered within the Throne of Heroes Sinfjotli has darkened, his last days of dying from poison and the realization that he was not what he thought he was has filled him with hatred of Sigurd and his legacy. He desires to use the Grail to change his destiny, taking Sigurds place as the True Worlds Chosen before initiating Ragnarok on the world. Weapons: Sinfjotli wields an ornate norse broadsword and silver shafted long spear, alongside a gold rimmed round shield slung over his back. He can fight with any combination of these. [u][b]Parameters:[/b][/u] [i]Strength:[/i] B (A) [i]Endurance:[/i] B (A) [i]Agility:[/i] A [i]Mana:[/i] C [i]Luck:[/i] E [u][i]Class Skills:[/i][/u] Mad Enhancement: D Strength and Endurance parameters are up. Language ability is simple. Continuing complex thoughts over long periods of time are difficult. [u][i]Personal Skills:[/i][/u] [b]Eye of the Mind (False):[/b] A A powerful natural sixth sense for combat that has been refined by long battle experience. At this rank Sinfjotli is capable of fighting on the level of some of the most skilled warriors in legend, quickly seeing through all but the most perfect of combat maneuvers and picking out his enemys flaws in an instant. Even when utilizing Mad Enhancement his skill remains nearly unaffected due to sense of self status vs his enemy being second nature by this point. [b]Battle Continuation:[/b] C At this rank the Servant is capable of impressive feets of uncany endurace, able to fight on with wounds that would ordinarily be considered cripling. It is even possible to remain alive with deadly injuries, though he cannot fight. [b]Disengage:[/b] C An outlaw most his life Sinfjotli is a highly accomplished skirmisher, capable of evading even skilled trackers with a decent margin of success. [b]Animal Dialogue[/b] B Capable of highly fluent and comprehensive communication, though only with Wolves. [u][b]Noble Phantasm:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Ulvskind [b]Title:[/b] Wolf Skin of the Royal Outlaw [b]Rank:[/b] A+ [b]NP Type:[/b] Anti Unit (Self) [b]Range:[/b] 0 [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] 1 [b]Description:[/b] The pelt of an immense wolf made into a draping coat that fans out behind its wearer like a cape. It is the cursed skin of a wolf made by an unknown Galdrman and taken by Sinfjotli and his father from a band of brigands during their travels. Upon wearing it Sinfjotli gained the power of shapeshifting, able to don the form of a monster wolf. With the activation of this Noble Phantasm, Sinfjolti becomes a Monstrous Beast Wolf. In his wolf form Sigmund is particularly immense, of a size never seen in wolves of modern times, and he is large enough to be ridden by smaller humans. All of Sinfjolti's physical parameters jump off the Servant scale in this form, becoming those of a Monstrous Beast Phantasmal Creature, comparable to those summoned by Powerful Noble Phantasms, or utilized by the Rider Class. His sense of smell and hearing skyrocket as well, enabling him to track, pursue or evade enemys with the uncanny skill of a beast. He gains a powerful healing factor which enables him to recover from injuries received via ordinary means within seconds, though he is more vulnerable to Servants renowned as Monster Hunters. He possesses a weak point on the left side of his neck which cannot heal save with the aid of another. Because of his bestial nature however Sinfjotli loses his senses as a human, becoming capable of communicating only with wolves or other Servants who possess the Animal Dialogue ability. He becomes distinctly more bloodthirsty and arrogant in this form and will happily set upon and devour ordinary humans. His Master will maintain a sufficient connection with him to be seen as a comrade, but control will become difficult, even more so than when using Mad Enhancement. When combined with his Wolf form Mad Enhancement further boosts his ability, but results in a savage uncontrollable state that becomes extremely difficult for a Master to direct, comparable to a Berserker with an exceedingly high Mad Enhancement score. [/hider] [hider=Master: Ruben Walgrave][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Ruben Walgrave [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 147 [hider=Appearance][url=http://i.imgur.com/mtPNY7T.jpg]Like so[/url] Ruben is a tall Englishman with foggy gray eyes and a weathered mien. Out of hand he looks to be in his mid 60's, yet somehow gives the impression of being even older, to the point of infirmity. His face is framed with harsh frown lines and a scraggly brown beard framing his hollowing cheeks. His thinning hair is a dingy brown heavily streaked with grey and lies at shoulder length over a thick collared brown coat with tarnished silver buttons. He wears a faded top hat with a wide brim. He wears faded olive green pants and brown leather boots. Ruben seems to scrutinize the world around him with a permanent and vaguely melancholy frown. On his right ring finger he wears a heavy silver ring set with a large square garnet. To casual observation he seems frail, his arms and legs frequently trembling. [/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Ruben Walgrave is a singularly melancholy man who regards the world around him with a slow remote gaze that matches his mindset. Staunchly traditional in his thinking he views the world through the eyes of a magus; coldly, meticulously and with the sort of inhuman non passion that drives the Clocktower to value magical theory over human life. His years weigh very heavily on him and he often seems vacant, not noticing those around him unless they are of immediate importance. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Walgrave is highly infirm, lacking immensely in physical capabilities he struggles to perform simple tasks, move with speed or physicaly defend himself. Despite this he has not yet lost the ability to make the subtle hand gestures or body motions required to enact his Magecraft. Quantity of Magic Circuits: C Quality of Magic Circuits: B Od: B Due to his long experience and skill with manipulating Prana, Walgrave is able to enact Magecraft with highly efficient prana expenditure allowing him to function at a much greater capacity than his raw Circuit count would typically indicate. [i]Mystic Code:[/i] Walgraves clothing from his hat to his boots have been reinforced heavily and altered to function as armor. They are as hard as steel, yet still flexible as natural cloth while being altered to absorb impact as an object much heavier would. They are roughly equivalent of 20 lb of modern body armor and are sufficient to protect things such as small arms fire and minor spells that deliver impact damage. They are also heavily warded granting limited protection from electricity and spells that launch pure prana as their means of destruction, such as a Galdr curse. They are also highly fireproof. [i]Magecraft:[/i] Ruben Walgrave is an exceedingly powerful mage, having devoted huge amounts of time to magical study. He possesses an elemental affiliation for Fire, but has explored many other magic pathes in his long life. Familiar Creation, Alchemy and most simple Magecraft practices are known to him, though not specialized in. [u]Niter Fulminate Blast[/u] A burning spray of white hot sulfurous shrapnel and noxious gasses that streaks from the caster's fingers and hurtles towards its target like gunshot. It strikes with enough force to send its target flying head over heels while piercing it through with dozens of burning projectiles. An excellent but expensive heavy assault spell it was meant primarily to dispatch the undead, but works well against most other targets. It is wide range making it tricky to evade while still being strong enough to penetrate most defenses. The Prana Cost is high for this spell, and he can typically only cast it around three times a day. [u]Sulphuric Fog[/u] The conjuration of a cloud of choking sulfur. This generates an orange cloud that behaves like fog gradually choking and blinding those caught in it, irritating the eyes and throat. In addition to this visibility is halved while inside the fog. The cloud lingers for roughly 4 posts before it either disperses or the caster must renew it with additional prana. This cloud is naturally highly susceptible to wind, either ordinary or magical. Walgrave is immune to the effect of this spell and can remain inside the cloud for as long as he pleases, though his visibility is also reduced inside it. Size of the cloud depends on prann invested. [u]Flame Manipulation[/u] Creation and control exerted over flames. With a simple application of prana flames can be shaped, projected, increased or diminished and generally manipulated in whatever way the caster wishes, either as a barrier or an offensive blast or gout. This is effective only up to 60 yards away. [u]Flame Consciousness Projection[/u] By entering a trance and staring into a specially prepared fire Walgrave can project his mind's eye outward to view far distant events in a manner similar to a seeing stone. He is limited in this, in that he is unable to see through the bounded fields of other Magi. [u]Walgraves Bounded Field[/u] A powerful bounded field capable of covering a large mansion, it alerts the caster to trespassers and identifies their magical signature allowing him to differentiate between magi, familiars, undead, Servants or unenchanted humans/ animals. At this point the caster can trigger its inborn security spell unleashing flames onto the intruder. The barrier counts as an A rank shield to anyone incapable of simply shrugging off the flames and would require powerful magecraft to disrupt. For those versed in bypassing bounded fields undetected Walgraves Bounded Field represents a significant challenge. Assassin Servants with high Presence Concealment may bypass it with much greater ease through some time and effort would still be required. Construction of bounded field requires a full day of crafting, as well as significant Prana comparable to the cost of supporting a Servant for a full day. [u]Shared Perception[/u] A spell that allows a Magus to share the sensorial inputs (sight, hearing, etc.) of a creature that he has a pass of Magical Energy with (such as the one established in a contract between Master and Servant). Approval from the other party is a requirement. [u]Thaumaturgic Healing[/u] A simple healing spell refined and perfected over many years. Sufficient to heal major lacerations, restore blood, mend broken bones and resolve 3rd degree burns. Severe damage that has rendered a target close to death, unconscious or immobile will require the patient sleep overnight to regain their strength, possibly with repeated castings depending on the damage. It cannot cure fatal wounds or restore lost limbs, and it has a greatly reduced effect on wounds caused by curses. Ruben must have physical contact with his target unless a shared Perspective Spell is in place on his target, in which case he is capable of rendering aid from up to several blocks away. [u]Reinforcement[/u] Walgrave is capable of briefly reinforcing his own body, however due to his great physical fragility, he can only use this in small bursts, reinforcing to gain the physical competence comparable to an ordinary human for short bursts. Afterwards it often becomes necessary for him to use Magecraft to heal himself of internal damage caused by this exertion. [hider=History] Ruben Walgrave was born to the Walgrave mage line in 1868 during the height of the British Empire. Of minimal involvement in the Clock Tower and Magi politics they were a studious family and very slow to act, shunning the advancements of technology as many magi do. Brought up in the traditional manner of his peers Ruben was instructed in magecraft from a very young age but demonstrated no great genius in the arts and received no special tutoring. Third in line of succession he had little chance of inheriting the family crest and so set out on his own. He quickly attached himself as a vassal to a prominent Lord becoming a crony for the various greater powers that dominate the association. Plunged into a life of rivalry and suspicion Ruben quickly developed a deep sense of cautious cynicism that has defined his way of thinking ever since. After completing his education at the Clock Tower he moved from place to place within the organization's lower tiers taking what opportunities emerged until, inevitably, he found himself caught up in one of the Clock Towers many wars against the living dead. Over time his capacity for destruction grew and he became capable of quickly dispatching the lower forms of the living dead, and eventually Vampires and rival Church Agents as well. Hardened by the trials of combat over many years Ruben eventually emerged as a veteran in the Enforcers constant battle against the spawn of Type Moon. For 20 years Ruben served as a vassal at arms for the Tarleton Noble family, paying for his grant of independent research with military service. Eventually, having accrued decades of service Ruben established his own workshop and secluded himself, seeking immortality via alchemy and innumerable other mysteries, he joined the quiet ranks of the hermit magi who honeycomb the association. Watching and waiting he became sedimentary, reporting to his sponsors infrequently while pursuing his own agendas and keeping a suspicious eye on the comings and goings of the Association, ever wary for new assets that might be turned to his cause. As is only to common for magi in this state Ruben became insensitive to the passage of time and stagnate in nearly all his endeavors apart from his private research and the continued extension of his own lifespan. Slowly, without ever having lived or payed a thought to anything beyond the narrow view a magus takes of the world, Ruben's mortal life slipped away, given over to dark studies and dusty books. Content in his own way, Ruben was never able to fully throw off the growing sense of despair that loomed on him over the years. Though he had beaten the odds of the magi's world and achieved respectability and relative security the true goals that would bring distinction were out of his reach. Akasha was as far from him as could be. Ruben was woken from his slow decay when word reached him of the Grail War, and the rumored prize involved. At first highly skeptical, after deep investigation he found himself deeply torn. Having advanced his entire life through slowness and caution an all or nothing duel to the death revolted him to his core, yet, at the same time a part of him realized that he could not continue as he had done for any longer. All the life extending magecraft in the world would not be sufficient to grant him the insight to reach the Root of Existence. Against all reason and instinct, Ruben Walgrave found himself flipping through his old tomes of death and fire. He found himself dreaming up preparations to summon a hero. [/hider] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Walgrave extends his lifespan and keeps himself alive by drinking an alchemic mixture of Turpentine, Bitumen and Aqua Regia, along with other, less savory ingredients.[/hider] [hider=Master: Pavel Dumitru ][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Pavel Dumitru [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 27 [hider=Appearance][img]http://safebooru.org//images/2029/400371f1f7dbe392f329f1a9206f90ef.jpeg?2115894[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Pavel is a lighthearted Magi with a keen appetite for adventure and discovery. While more easygoing than most of his fellows, he is ambitious and is not above duplicity. As someone who travels the Romanian countryside frequently, he enjoys fascinating and bemusing commoners, as well as enjoying scenes of natural beauty. When threatened he prefers terrifying his enemys into flight with illusions and his vicious familiar rather than actual bloodshed. [b][u]History[/u][/b] Pavel Dumitru is the prospective heir of an old but little known Magi family from Romania, he possesses good magical aptitude but little reputation or resources outside his homeland. Raised in a dedicated Magi family he was trained rigorously until his coming of age. Since then Pavel has sought to prove his worthiness to inherit the family Thaumaturgical Crest by exploring the countryside and attempting to uncover new leylines that could expand the family's local power. He has developed the instincts of a treasure hunter because of this, and also of a gambler, being one who believes that he can "Strike it rich" by uncovering long lost treasures beneath the earth. Though he has yet to earn the full approval of his father, the family head, he is considered a definite potential for future patriarch of the family over his cousin who also strives for the position. In a bid to solidify his standing as the true Heir of the family Pavel has acepted an invitation to attend a certain duel on a distant island hosted by none other than the Wizard Marshal himself. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Number of Magic Circuits: A Quality of Magic Circuits: B Od: A [i]General Magecraft:[/i] Due to his education from an early age Pavel is well versed in most common disciplines of magecraft. The construction of bounded fields, the creation of familiars, and various other essential magi disciplines are all well understood by him. [i]Geomancy:[/i] Pavel is adept at detecting and determining the properties of Ley lines. [i]Fire of Valpurgiei:[/i] The Dumitru family sorcery trait, pale blue flames of illusion that distort and alter the perceptions of those who see them. Flickering and without heat these flames allow the Magi manipulating them to weave elaborate Illusions. Upon activation the flames appear, seeming to wreathe the Magi in their fire before quickly dying away leaving whatever illusion that has been created in place. With self disguise being the easiest form of this, Pavel is capable of faking nearly any form that roughly resembles his natural proportions with ease. He is especially adept at using the flames to make himself appear as a natural feature, such as a standing stone, or a small stunted tree, or of briefly altering his features into some horrific vision to frighten troublesome peasants. The creation of large Illusions, such as shrouding an entire house from sight, or making large numbers of people appear to be where they are not strains the limits of his capabilities and results in inferior Illusions as well as strain on his Mana reserves. [i]Thaumaturgical Healing[/i] Pavel is capable of rudimentary healing, however this is not his area of expertise, and any healing beyond minor cuts and bruises will be incomplete and painful. [i]Familiars:[/i] In addition to the ability to create common bird and insect familiars, Pavel is contracted to a Phantasmal Demi Human familiar that has been passed down through his family for a few generations. Because it is a beast whose existence is still naturally present in the world, and that measured in a mere hundred and fifty years it has yet to surpass the limitations of modern Magecraft. Even so, its strength by modern standards is formidable, and rivals the power of Vampires or combat Homunculi. The beast is a Căpcăun, a dog headed ogre of Romanian folklore who preys on travelers. The beast spends most of its time in the form of a large ugly dog, but when invoked by Pavel quickly transforms into a large brutish apelike beast with the head of a four eyed feral hound. 7 feet tall it weighs over 400 pounds in this form, and possesses strength and speed comparable to upper limits attainable by modern human reinforcment. With a highly dense and claylike body it is extreamly resilient, allowing it to serve as both an attack dog and living shield for Pavel. When on the offense it attacks with a heavy iron hammer, along with its claws and teeth. While the binding contract that exists between the Căpcăun and the Dumitru family is old and strong, because of its formidable bloodlust Pavel must expend prana to keep the beast under control while in the presence of fresh corpses. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Pavel idolized the famous Magi Eliphas Levi and seeks to replicate his Thaumaturgical Theories. [/hider]