Once Aria stepped into the room, a mouthwatering sight greeted her; An array of assorted meats and vegetables, all arranged into a feast for the eyes, and the rest of the senses. Piles of freshly sliced meats and fish of various kinds stacked up high, cooked with herbs and other seasonings for additional flavour, with different combinations used as required, carrots arranged to look like a sort of square wall with a "Roof" of cabbage leaves, a literal mountain of potatoes... The list goes on. What was certain however, was that Cronic had cooked enough food to completely fill the bellies of the four of them, and then some. Cronic and Serena were sat diagonally opposite from one another, the former waving to Aria as she entered the building, as he picked an ample selection of what was available on the table, and taking the time to savour his handiwork. He had spent the last few hours whipping up this feast, afterall, and he would be severely dissapointed if it didn't work out as intended. Serena, on the other hand, was initially skeptical as she loaded her plate, but once she'd taken that first bite, she threw her caution (And her manners) to the wind. To her, something like a homecooked meal was considered a luxury, but now that she was actually having one, she feels like she could never go back to tavern food.