[b]Name:[/b] 'Sand' (no foundation, nothing but the ghost of stone) [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 250 [b]Class:[/b] Paladin [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]God/Godess:[/b] Wee Jass [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/f2ee7bf6-dd08-40bf-b907-73c071f60e78_JDX-NO-RATIO_WEB.jpg[/img] No thick beard on his face, no gorgeous locks upon his head. He is as strongly built as any warrior dwarf can be. Where others bodies are sculpted by carving rock or shaping steel, he was formed by cutting flesh and breaking bones. He stands a four foot at his tallest and weighs twenty stones. [b]Background:[/b] His family was of the first-fallen, atheist front line shock troops for the dwarven clans who had no needs for magic or gods. He fought alongside brethren until one day he committed an act so heinous, it struck his name from the family history. A god marked him. After releasing one hundred dead arisen against their will, Wee Jas turned all his golden hairs blood red to show her favor to him. They held him down and made him bald before throwing him off the mountain. He finally recovered just as the call came out from Thunderwalker. If his family would look away, he would earn this new honor for himself, and his goddess. [b]Stats:[/b] [u]Str:[/u]17 +3 [u]Dex:[/u]12 +1 [u]Con:[/u]15 (17) +3 [u]Int:[/u]11 0 [u]Wis:[/u]15 +2 [u]Cha:[/u]16 (14) +2 [b]HP and Saves:[/b] [u]Hit Points:[/u]15 (12 Base, +3 Con mod) [u]Fortitude:[/u]5/7 (2 Base, +3 Con Mod, +2 Racial Mod Versus poison, +2 Racial Mod Versus spell/spells-like abilities) [u]Reflex:[/u]1/3 (0 Base, +1 Dex Mod, +2 Racial Mod Versus spell/spells-like abilities) [u]Will:[/u]2/4 (0 Base, +2 Wis Mod, +2 Racial Mod Versus spell/spells-like abilities) [u]Feats:[/u] Weapon focus: (greatsword) [Hider=Skills] Appraise:0/2 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod, +2 Racial Mod metal/stone) Balance:0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Dex Mod) Bluff:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Climb:3 (+ Skill Points, +3 Str Mod) Concentration:3 (+ Skill Points, +3 Con Mod) Craft:0/2 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod, +2 Racial Mod metal/stone) Decipher Script:0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Diplomacy:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Disable Device:0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Disguise:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Escape Artist:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Forgery:0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Gather Information:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Handle Animal: 3 (+1 Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Heal:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod) Hide:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Intimidate: 3 (+1 Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Jump:3 (+ Skill Points, +3 Str Mod) Knowledge (Arcana):0 ( skill points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Architecture):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Dungeoneering):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Geography):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (History):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Local):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Nature):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (Religion):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Knowledge (The Planes):0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Listen:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod) Move Silently:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Open Lock:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Perform:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Profession:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod) Ride:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Search:0 (+Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Sense Motive:6 (+4 Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod) Sleight of Hand:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Speak Language: 0 Spellcraft:0 (+ Skill Points, +0 Int Mod) Spot:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod, ) Survival:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Wis Mod) Swim: 4 (+2 Skill Points, +3 Str Mod) Tumble:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) Use Magic Device:2 (+ Skill Points, +2 Cha Mod) Use Rope:1 (+ Skill Points, +1 Dex Mod) [/hider] [b]Spells:[/b] [hider=Level 1] Zip :P [/hider] [b]Known Languages:[/b] Dwarven (Racial Language) Common (Racial Language) [b]Equipment:[/b] Block and tackle, crowbar