Fanilly gave the engineer-knight as somewhat bleary look as he spoke to her, then took a deep breath. No, she couldn't let on how tired she was. The battle against the Barukstaed warrior had been a rather intense one, and when she'd returned all the exhaustion had hit her all at once. She really wanted to have a bath and get some sleep, but of course she had to explain the situation as much as she could to those who hadn't been there. "The kitchen seems unharmed, I've been told that someone involved with that wants to speak to me," she began, after a few moments. The fact that there had been explosions was... worrying but from what she had been informed there wasn't any actual damage. Just some... particularly strange occurrences. "As for the... the demon girl," Fanilly continued, hesitating a bit as she spoke. She'd quite frankly never expect to ever see a demon, so the fact that she had was almost overwhelming. But no, she had to keep herself calm. "She... came from the armor of an ally from the Raven Knights. That's all we really know about her for now, which is why we've chosen to hold her for the time being." After a moment's pause, the short blonde continued. "Are there any other questions? I know there were those who wanted to speak to me," she added. Hopefully they would come forward quickly and Fanilly could clean herself up and sleep soon. [hr] Beatrice stared blankly for a few moments, uncomprehending of what was being said to her by the foreign rabbit girl. Then, it occurred to her. She'd been mistaken for Fanilly? Ah, no! She wasn't Fanilly! She was not a knight, and certainly she was no-where near as pretty and-she definitely wasn't Fanilly was the point! "A-ah, no, I... I am not Mistress Fanilly," stuttered the brunette girl, blushing and averting her eyes nervously. Viora decided to take over at this point. "Mistress is on a mission, though I believe they may have just returned." Alaree, who had set the steaks aside on the counter, frowned. "Ah, jeez, that means we're gonna have to help out, right? Though I guess there's plenty of perks when it comes to helping Mistress with her bath... But what are we gonna do about these steaks?" Viora sighed, suppressing the urge to bury her face firmly in her palm. "They'll be fine."