[b]Name:[/b] Kino Aiko [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a rough five-foot-four with a small, slender build, Aiko's most distinctive features are her soft, pale skin and her red hair and eyes which she emphasizes with carefully chosen frilly dresses and other clothing with an elegant-yet-cute look to them. Her "work uniform" by comparison is much the same, albeit a bit flashier, with a primary black color accompanied by pale red frills and accents. Her magic tome is always kept close, typically hidden in a bag or purse when in her casual attire, or strapped to her side while transformed. [b]Personality:[/b] Aiko is gentle and soft-spoken, typically keeping a "proper" and polite demeanor in front of most people, though her speech tends to become far more excitable and playful in front of people she's more comfortable with. Overall she is a kind and trusting person, unwilling to betray innocents or those that she cares about, but she can show a surprisingly harsh side as she is fully capable of taking part in trickery or manipulation if it provides her an advantage or if she thinks the target is deserving of it. [b]Hero Name:[/b] Moonlit Pink Rose [b]Abilities:[/b] Aiko's transformation into her magical alter ego comes with an increased agility and strength, as well as access to several magical techniques granted by the tome she carries. The tome is durable and resistant to all but severe forms of damage thanks to its magic, but as it is the source of Aiko's powers, her magic and transformation fade if she is too far from it (it has a range of roughly 50 feet). [list] [*][i][b]Claws of Night[/b][/i] - Conjuring claws of darkness over her hands, Aiko is able to turn her own bare-handed attacks into a formidable weapon. [*][i][b]Wings of Shade[/b][/i] - Shadows form into bat-like wings on Aiko's back, allowing her to fly short distances. [*][i][b]Shadow Cloak[/b][/i] - Aiko is able to coat herself in a veil of darkness when in the shadows, rendering herself invisible while she remains out of direct light. [*][i][b]Night's Embrace[/b][/i] - Grasping vines of darkness reach up from the nearest surface, wrapping around Aiko's chosen target and constricting them, holding them in place. The vines are durable, though breakable by an enemy of exceptional strength, and can only be conjured while Aiko is within a few yards' distance. Only one set of vines can be maintained at a time, making them difficult to use against multiple targets. [*][i][b]Moonlit Rose Thorn[/b][/i] - Aiko can briefly conjure a large spear of shadows and toss it at a foe, dealing severe damage if it hits. Typically used as the final blow, especially on a target held by Night's Embrace, as the spear only lasts for a few moments and summoning it leaves Aiko exhausted and vulnerable to counterattacks. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] She's not terrible at knitting or painting. Not as good as she'd prefer, but she can do it. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Aiko was raised from a young age amongst a rather diverse family with equally diverse skills, yet few of these skills really stuck with Aiko at all, leaving her mediocre at best in most subjects or absolutely atrocious at worst (as in the cases of housework and cooking) in a few others. As she grew, she yearned for her own talent and skills that she could take pride in, but none came as easily as they seemed to for her family. That was, at least, until the evening she discovered an old trunk that belonged to her late grandfather, gathering dust in a corner of her home's basement as no one had bothered to look through it in years. Amongst the contents - mostly artifacts and antiques of various cultures that Aiko's uncle had researched over his life - was a strange book with a dark cover and some indecipherable language written on its pages. The moment Aiko opened the book out of curiosity, a shadowy black magic flooded forth from it, attaching itself to Aiko. Though panicked at first, Aiko found herself quickly learning how to use the magic of the tome and became quite fond of it, realizing this could be her own, unique talent. Aiko adopted the identity of Moonlit Pink Rose, an identity which she now wishes to make famous as the ultimate proof of her skill, even now as she works under the Omamori Foundation. Albeit, the "fame" part is a bit difficult with powers of shadow rather than something showy and flashy, but she's working on it.