[Center][h2]Liam Pyne [/h2][/center] Liam made eye contact with Paulina. “I honestly don't know. I'd imagine that the answer is anyone. Although that being said I should think it would require some sort of stressor or situation that causes the person to give up and allow the Outsider inside.” The implications about Liam's past were blatant but he didn't address them. “To be fair I really don't know much about Outsiders other than that they appear to be an order of magnitude more power than the average spirits. They also appear to be able to influence the physical world more substantially and they usually play by certain rules.” Liam finally stood and picked up his dishes. He'd barely noticed Ashleigh and Alister’s exchange. It was a minor thing in comparison to the things they had to deal with. “I need to start preparing for war. There are spirits here that will side with the Outsider out of fear or malice. We need to remove it's pawns otherwise we won't be able to fight back effectively.” With a heavy sigh Liam leaned over the sink and just stared into the pool of dirty dish water. What had he done? [@Caits][@KiritoAsuna][@Thundercrash]