[center][color=DodgerBlue][h2]Tobit Broflovski[/h2][/color][/center] [i]No... I really shouldn't.[/i] Toby sighed heavily and turned around to walk away from the soccer booth. He was sure that nobody wanted him on that team. Even if the coach let him on the team, his teammates would probably just harass him until he quit. Nobody wants to deal with the tiny asthmatic kid who probably can't even afford the fee for sports... Toby started to walk away, only to suddenly crash into a tall freckled boy with striking red hair who was heading the opposite way. The small boy was more affected by the collision, and he stumbled to the ground, sharply twisting his left ankle on the way down. "Oy! Watch it, shagetz!" He snapped instinctively, hissing in pain and standing up gingerly, dusting himself off. He could sense the other students stopping to watch the encounter, whispers and murmurs running through the swarm of sophomores. Mostly just silly teens hoping to watch a ginger beat the living shit out of a midget. That wasn't likely to happen if the taller boy had any sense about him, but the teens were likely already giddily awaiting the first confrontation of the year. It wasn't really clear which one of them had caused the collision, but Toby didn't want to start off the year seeming meek. He didn't think anyone would take him seriously if he didn't act as tough as possible. He had a bit of a Napoleon complex, so to speak. [i]Funny, Napoleon wasn't actually that short...[/i] He thought to himself, then realized he was getting off track. He glared up at the redheaded boy, tapping his foot impatiently. [@LostDestiny] [sub] Note: Shagetz (or sheygetz) is a Yiddish slang term for an unruly or violent man, literally meaning 'a man of non-Jewish descent')[/sub]