[b][u]The Geography of Aerusya[/b][/u] [u]Angard[/u] Beyond the Blue Borderlands, in a mountainous region lies Angard. The capital city, Kvechuk is situated near the Western Sea. Kvechuk sits within the cul-de-sac bay area, promptly named Kvechuk Bay. Here a large naval base sits out on the Kvechuk Peninsula. Angard has very cold winters seeing as how it is the most northern province in all of Aerusya. The people of lower class ranks are very hardy, and friendly, though surprisingly superstious. Angard has a strong military presence, with not only an effective naval base, but a well trained army. They specialize in long bows, which are a prominent force in Angard. In Kvechuk, archers line the castle battlements as well as watch towers that dot the coast and are spread throughout the countryside. [u]Cherod[/u] Angard's counterparts, the Cherods, are situated diagonally on Aerusya from their enemies. The capital city of Cherod is Maril, an immense city that looks much like Greece. Maril is situated by the Three Fang River, that empties out into the South Eastern Sea of Cherod. Here the people are scrupulous and crude. They are suspicious of any newcomers. The King that rules them is King Oedithil. He can be compared to King Louis the 18th in France during the French Revolution. Any week, you can expect to find a festival being held in his honour Cherod has three major cities, Laurde, located near the Blue Borderlands. The other city is Biminy, it is situated in the centre of Cherod and acts as the trading centre for the land. Biminy hosts a natural source for freshwater, a giant lake with a small wooded isle at the center. The isle is known as Witcher's Isle. Outside the city walls of Maril, there is another gargantuan lake known as Ohmgra Lake. Beneath the still surface of Ohmgra Lake lies a forgotten ruin, dedicated to the Dragon, Shera'dan. The ground that once held the temple fell away into a massive hole that soon filled with water and became what is now Ohmgra Lake. [u]Blue Borderland Mountain Range[/u] The majestic mountain range bisects the Aerusyan continent, stretching from east to west. This mountain range is practically impenetrable, save for two passes The mountains act as a barrier betwixt Northern Cherod from Southern Angard. [u]Ilselana Gorge[/u] Discovered in 2274A by the Elves who sought to open communication to the other regions of Aerusya. The pass is considered "obsolete" and is never travelled due to falling rocks, mudslides, flash flooding and so on. The other is [u]Grovett Pass[/u] which is aptly named after the merchant who established the pass in 2853A, Rognor Grovett. It is the only way merchants and common folk travel. The pass is relatively easy, wide enough to have a small outpost, inn, and stable built. Here Angardian warriors and Cherod soldiers protect the pass. [u]River of Ilselana[/u] The river starts in the Elven lands and feeds the Kvechuk river and Three-Fang River, the heart of all rivers if you will. This rivers trespasses through the infamous Ilselana Gorge to form the Three-Fang River. For the most part, the River of Ilselana is broad and gentle flowing. [u]Three-Fang River[/u] Branching off from the River of Ilselana forms the treacherous Three-Fang River. The river branches off into three parts. The river is deep, full of sharp black rocks, and fast flowing. No one dares to navigate this river for fear of drowning. [u]Kvechuk River[/u] The rivers winds through the Dark Forest and enters Angard as gentle as a swimming duck. At points, the river is very broad, over 2 miles wide. Other areas, it is dangerously fast moving and narrow. [u]The Dark Forest[/u] Surrounding the civilization of the Elves is a massive forest. The forest is full of mist, ghost-like apparitions, and bars sunlight from penetrating through the dense canopy. There are occasional "faerie circles", large circular clearings in the forest that are located randomly throughout the 125+ mile thick forest. It is located on the North Eastern side of Aerusya. It is the only barrier that the elves have from Angard and Cherod. [u]The Black Swamp[/u] Within the Dark Forest is a swamp with black, murky water. Here the S'ilthran race inhabits the area. The swamp water is home to many creatures ranging from poisonous snakes, alligators, to small rodents like swamp rats, notorious for carrying infectious diseases. Large insects, such as beetles, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes exist here at gargantuan proportions. Even the trees are black, as if tainted by the water. There is an extensive cave system that lies beneath the swamp, so historians believe that these caves once belonged to the first Dragons, using the caves as their lairs or treasure troves. [u]Darath Desert[/u] In the South-Western region of Aerusya, next to Cherod, is the enormous Darath Desert. Here, the Rakasha call the desert home. They have a capital city, Almeria, although Cherod refuses to acknowledge their King and their power. Here, large amounts of Amber are harvested yearly and exported to Biminy, the largest market district in all of Southern Aerusya. The amber is said to come from the fossilization of those that passed into the void during the Great Burning. At one point in time, before 1150A, the Darath Desert was once an expansive tropical forest. During the Great Burning, caused by none other than the dragon's themselves, thousands of the Rakashan's perished under dragon fire. the trees wept with resin providing the future Rakashan generations a valuable material. It is often seen in jewelery, ornaments, trinkets, and is used primarily in ceremonies.