[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Whilst others might be tired by the day's exertions, Tyaethe was back in full form on the way back. Her blade was hefted to catch what moonlight it could and begin the process of regenerating its broken tip and, internally, the paladin groused at how the interrupted assassination attempt made her dressing neatly for naught: there hadn't even been time to get a good meal at the ball. The ball that, hopefully, nobles would now be allowed to exit when reports of the Knights' success got back to them. That ought to silence the doubters about Fanilly's ability to serve as a captain. There wasn't time to get away and to her room before something entirely unexpected happened: Merilia, floating in the air behind some... was that an Alphiine? No, it couldn't be, and she'd met a few dignitaries from Akitsushima in her lifetime--enough to recognise the outfits. Not that she'd seen a rabbit from there from there, either. The rabbit was a minor point compared to the witch. There were a [i]lot[/i] of things that she wanted to say and wanted to ask... but... just a projection. From further away than ever before, but she recognised the signs from campaigns in the past, when the knights had split up. Half of what she wanted to ask was pointless without the small girl actually [i]being[/i] here. "Captain, if Merilia sent her then she should be safe. If she wanted to cause [i]real[/i] problems, she would come here in person," the white-haired girl said, turning on one foot for the stairs. It was time to get her armour on; she felt even more exposed with [i]that[/i] one watching.