I'm Diabeto and I like bananas. Okay then, since we've briefly gone through introductions, I present to you the premise I've come up with. [CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/W0Qd1dF.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [i]As a part of a secret government initiative families, volunteer their young and gifted children to become apart of the Kokoro Division. A special group of agents, the Kokoro Division are tasked with the responsibility of protecting the public from special individuals. Highly trained during their high school years they become skills operatives who infiltrate society, hunt, and restore peace from perpetrators called Branchers. Branchers are people who use a larger percentage of the human brain giving them special abilities usually used to harm others and commit crimes. Agents are Branchers trained to control these abilities and use them for good. From telekinesis to telepathy players will develop their own unique powers in an effort to understanding the secrets of the KD and exactly which side they should be fighting for.[/i] Any takers? Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Bananas?