The Aerusyan Beast Codex The Faeries: The Faeries that are found within Aerusya are normally found along side their counterparts, the Tree Ents. The Faeries are small in stature, they are miniscule and almost impossible to see save when they are grouped together, then they become a small mass, clustered together, as if they were a school of fish. Some faeries resemble the surrounding foliage in their habitats, others appear to the untrained eye as butterflies, moths, flies or even dragonflies. Faeries live amongst their counterparts, the Tree Ents, or in "Faerie Circles". Faerie Circles, are where Tree Ents have passed away. The magical aura that escapes from the deceased ent burns away any evil, contamination in a circle encompassing the ent. From there, the energy emitted kills plant life. It is said that the energy is actually the faerie's committing a pact suicide and the magic within their bodies is released. Whether that is true or not, remains to be seen. If one is unlucky enough to encounter a faerie attack let the following effects of their toxic magic be known. Their magic is toxic due to the high content of magic residing in their bodies. It is highly concentrated and in large doses can be fatal. But have no fear, it would take many a faerie to bring down a human being. However it is not known whether the faerie's aura being emitted is the cause of the magic poisoning when they attack, or whether they have treacherous weapons dipped in toxins? If poisoned, one will experience the following: nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, cramps, fever, chills, insomnia, visual and auditory hallucinations, disorientation, even body tremors. Although these have all been experienced at varying degrees. Tree Ents/Elrymka: The guardians of the forest, keepers of the night, or more commonly known as tree ents. They appear in all tree types from oaks to maples, beeches and walnuts, cedars and cypresses, even willows. The known guardians of the forest are the ones that are active and patrol their forest, keeping peace, watching over all. The others are slumbering tree ents, only their spirit resides, ready to be called forth in need to defend what is theirs. The tree ents that are moving about, albeit rather slowly, are often accompanied by a swarm of faeries, though the size of the swarm isn't comparable to other swarms due to the variety of tree ents. The tree ents, being listeners of the forest, hear all. They understand the meek chirping of the squirrels to the purring tongue of the Rakasha, or eloquent verse of the Elves. Most tree ents are passive-aggressive, though the traveller should be weary of the undependable nature of the ents. To the Elves that live inside the Dark Forest, the tree ents, also known as Elrymka, or in Common Tongue: The Enlightened Ones. The Elves do not worship Elrymka, but rather respect their thoughts and concerns. Dragons: The Dragons are the true epitome of magic in Aerusya. Before the dawn of the 1st Age, Dragons existed in Aerusya for thousands of years before Man took his first step. Dragons communicate through thoughts. Well-trained mages can attempt to block out the presence of a Dragon's mind within their own, but only two people have succeeded in blocking out the voice of a dragon within their minds: Rohgar the Brave and the Dragon Priestess, Isidra. As stated above in the beginning of the paragraph, Dragons are the true essence of Magic. With that being said, they are capable of great magical feats. Dragons can change any being's image, or even the landscape itself. When Dragons pass into the void, their soul remains behind on a different plane of existence. One could call this an afterlife, but existing on this plane can only be achieved by a). being a dragon, or b). consuming the soul of a dragon. In order to consume a Dragon Soul, I recommend reading the book, The Dragons and their Souls: Vol. 1 written by Kilamor D'anuk, a Cherod scholar who lived his life during the 2nd Age.