The sound of screaming echoed through the halls of the asylum. [color=bc8dbf][i]“You’re not allowed to do that!”[/i][/color] The girl shouted out towards nothing in particular, though to the normal eye there would be nothing but empty space but to the girl she would be shouting at the three male figures standing by her bed laughing amongst themselves as they taunted her. She glared angrily at the three boys who only shook their heads at her. [color=bc8dbf][i]“You know that makes me angry and when I get angry bad things happen… Do you want bad things to happen?!”[/i][/color] She shouted to them again this time their laughing faces were now serious. Suddenly the door burst open with such force it was practically forced off its hinges. [color=9e0b0f][i]“Shut that psychotic mouth of yours before I shut it for you! I’ve told you a hundred times to stop screaming!”[/i][/color] The woman dressed in rags approached the young female as she sat on her bed, knees drawn up against her chest. The woman’s face was contorted in anger, scars adorned her once beautiful face but now it was a monstrous mess. It would seem someone had already tried to rearrange her face and failed miserably or perhaps that was what they were going for. [color=0072bc][i]“What’s with the beast of Luna Sea?”[/i][/color] The male on the farther left who was known as Tristram. Evina snickered to herself and swatted at the air as if he were truly there beside her. The woman stared at the girl in confusion. [color=9e0039][i]“What are you laughing at?!”[/i][/color] She drew closer to the girl, her anger flaring. Evina always seemed to be stirring up trouble even without asking for it or even starting it for that matter. Ever since she was brought to this place this woman has had it out for her and Evina was beginning to grow tired of this woman’s incessant nagging and screaming for her to be quiet. Just because this woman was so blind and couldn’t see the three boys didn’t mean she had to go around yelling at her to stop talking.[i][color=bc8dbf] “Barbara… You’re being very rude to my guests and ignoring them… That is making me very angry… You wouldn’t like it when I get angry now would you…?”[/color][/i] The woman narrowed her eyes and took a step even closer. Evina tossed her legs off the bed and stood up, her height just a few inches shorter than Barbara but that did little to intimidate her. Soon, Barbara began screaming and flailing about, pulling at her hair as if things were moving around in it.[i] “Get ‘em off! Get ‘em off me!”[/i] She ran around the room screaming before running out the door still trying to remove the invisible creatures moving through her hair. Evina gave a cheeky grin before settling back down on her bed to enjoy her time alone in silence. Evina= pinkish Barbara= red Tristram= blue