[color=c0c0c0]"Good... good."[/color] Nemo replied. [color=c0c0c0]"It shall be done, finding things is one of my specialties."[/color] Nemo said with monotone confidence. He excused himself from Felix's room and began to trek back downstairs. As he descended the stairs Nemo brought his manadial up and activated the display. He put in a series of commands which led to a holographic keyboard. Nemo's return took a few extra minutes as he typed in a message. But soon enough his letter was let loose off into the mananet, to whomever he had addressed it to. Nemo entered the dining room, seeing Travis and Alya had already arrived. He turned to Raiya. [color=c0c0c0]"The remaining two should be here soon, lest they plan on being [i]tardy[/i]."[/color]