[center][h1]PCs[/h1][/center] [hider=Ester][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qI2nV.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161129/707e3bcb887e8220dff90f01d33ea592.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [color=Crimson]Age: [/color]1200 [color=Crimson]Height: [/color]4’11” [color=Crimson]Weight: [/color]94 [color=Crimson]Personality: [/color]Ester is drawn towards the more enduring pursuits of mortals sponsoring artists and writers. Due to several bad experiences over time she prefers to keep the company of women over men believing men have an innate desire to try and dominate women. Ester never raises her voice preferring people to strain to hear her because she believes those that do so are more loyal to her that those shocked into action by noise. She carries herself as a gentle almost soft Lady who many would think would never do harm less she were forced to do so; they would be wrong. Ester is brutal in her punishment of her enemies and can kill with the best of them and do so without a shred of sympathy. She loves her siblings and seldom seeks to oppose them or any plans they may have and is always ready with support [color=Crimson]History: [/color]Ester is a patroness of the Arts and has been as far back as any who are able to research or remember. What people do know of the youngest of the Prescotts is that she is said to have hypnotized armies and potentates to do her bidding with only a few words. [color=Crimson]Species: [/color] Original Vampire[/hider] [hider=JAC][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161106/7327474ad3f19b0019d200534b7fd376.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/32598195/beautiful-blue-eyes-dark-hair-eyes-girl-Favim.com-423076_large.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]Age:[/b]22 [b]Height:[/b]5’1” [b]Weight:[/b]96 [b]Personality: [/b] An odd girl who exudes a air of simplicity in action and a down to earth nature coupled with a knowledge of the complexity of the world of the Arcane. She sleeps like a cat meaning she sleeps in short naps and can be found active at all hours day or night. Her sleep cycle is reflected in her waking hours by points of hyperactivity and others of pure relaxation. [b]History: [/b]Born in the Garden district of New Orleans the fourth daughter to Marie Christina Laveau the V inheritor of the mantle of Vodoun de Mambos Nouvelle Orléans and a Lovely Norwegian sailorman named Franz. It wasn’t easy growing up the 4th daughter of the Queen of Vodoun in a city filled with Loa and Sèvitè whom knew her lineage and both feared and respected her mom; she was treated as an extension of that reputation by the people and like a nuisance by most of her family except her mom. It was the main reason when she decided to pursue earthly knowledge she chose to range far beyond the normal reach of her family. She was powerful and schooled as well as her mother and aunts could train her but now came the phase of her life where she must find and make contract with Loa that owed no one in her family alligence if she were to be more than her elder sister Marie’s shadow as had chosen Rena and Violet; no she was Jacqueline Marie Laveau and while she bore the name Marie as tradition demanded she was her own woman. She move up the river making treat with the water spirits after she’d been lead to her new [url=http://karibahouseboats.com/upload/houseboats/55/matusadona_houseboat_view.JPG]Home[/url] by those same benevolent Loa. It was an old pontoon houseboat that was auctioned by the Corp Engineers for nonpayment of dock fees; it’s former owner had no family and he even haunted the old water craft frightening away any potential buyers till Jac showed up and he discovered why her sister’s called her “Mocassin D'eau” (Water Mocassin) and he made peace with her becoming her [url=http://img.youtube.com/vi/qRNfeMaUBbo/0.jpg]Sèvitè[/url]. Now the young Bokor has found another place to tie off her home and explore as she seeks new and interesting Loa. [b]Species[/b] : Witch [url=http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/assets/130424064905-1978-international-scout-ii-620xb.jpg]Old Scout[/url][/hider] [hider=FUN FACT]The Houseboat was named after an African Park in a National Geographic when Jim was drunk but Jac researched it's origin and now adores it even more' Matusadona is a game reserve park in northern Zimbabwe. The park takes its name from the local Matuzviadonha Hills and is a stunning combination of flat plains and rugged mountain country. The meaning of “Matuzviadonha” is “falling dung” - which was probably a comment on the sight of elephants dropping dung balls as they struggled up the hills. This has been a Fun Fact watch this spot for farther Fun Facts[/hider] [hider=Ashley][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161113/777b24b50ff0411663d4122e531c3347.png[/img] [img]http://www.ochki.net/Files/Ochki.net/dd/ddfd106d-cef1-4b0f-bfab-302b95ce3091.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 25 Height: 5’7” Weight:152 Personality: Ashley prefers formal address such as being called Miss Taylor when in her role as Assistant and exudes an air of efficiency that is almost robotic when she is in her Secretarial mode completing tasks such as writing up proposals, answering email and prioritizing any correspondents by a quick note describing content , length and cross referencing how it intersects any ongoing plans all at blinding speed. She is very intelligent owing to a groomed natural gift and is a dedicated student going to the extent of her resources to accomplish any task left up to her even using limited assets in clever ways to squeeze even more for maximum results. Relentless she is the epitome of the perfect executive secretary but that is one facet of her groomed personality. Then there is the Blood Doll Ashley who has been expertly bred and conditioned to produce a powerful source of blood and to entertain her Mistress/Master in any way they wish. Ashley is an eighth generation Blood Servant or Blood Doll and raised in a world were repeated feeding contact with Vampires in a controlled and secret manner from the age of 16 created a human blood source who can keep her Master/Mistress fed so they need only hunt when they want to never in desperation. This association makes her fearless and passionate when she isn’t working as a secretary for her superior and lets her hair down acting more open and emotional. History : Ashley was born into the herd of one of the oldest families in New York, she never knew her mother but was instead raised in a dormitory filled with other girls who were like herself chosen because of their blood strength and taste before their intelligence was even considered. She began in a herd of forty girls who like her were bred in a selective program that had been developed when Rome held sway over the known world but by her 12th birthday was one in six left alive. She was judged as perfect and sent off to The Emma Willard School in New York at age 12 as a reward where she excelled as expected by her mistress eventually graduating at 17 as Valedictorian. Then she was accepted at Barnard where again she excelled in her classes graduating in the top 10 even though she tried to keep a low profile as her Mistress wished partly due to her enjoyment and efficiency. Her life as a Blood Doll was one of happiness as she was lavished upon by her Mistress with rewards for her work and loyalty which might explain why when the Clan war that destroyed her Mistress that same Domani sent orders that she leave the city and head west and away from the conflict which might result in her being taken or worse subjected to bloody reprisals in the form of a lingering tortured death for her support and allegiance to her family. Ashley fled her home with a strange form of dowry if it could be considered as such because her rank as Chatelain which gave her access to her former Mistress’s fortune because she was after all her trusted accountant as well. So using these funds she has moved quietly westward concealing herself in a Vampire society of provincials who didn’t know her truth only her skills. Race: Human / Blood Doll Other: As the controller of a vast hidden fortune Ashley lives a comfortable but quiet life careful of her expenses and investments. She uses a small amount of her fortune in investments which she excels in because of her former access to insider information of the stock market. Her Trust value is unknown but her former gains were measured as between 20 to 65 million the past 4 years.[/hider] [hr][hr][hr][center][h1]NPCs[/h1][/center] [hider=Helen][hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161121/958a1ef687012f0debaa14f0b0e97e16.png[/img][img]http://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/2605652/949full-ebba-zingmark.jpg[/img][hr][hr][h1]NPC Witch[/h1][/center] [b]Age : [/b] 22 [b]Background : [/b] Helen is a free spirited wanderer who hails from the foster home system of Oklahoma where she escaped from 7 years ago. Shortly after her escape she met a witch who saw in her a talent for the arcane and began her lessons which continued till Helen was 17 and had to part company with her mentor because she’d joined a coven in Dayton whose goals Helen could not support nor ignore. She has been a Solitaire since then keeping her head down and just trying to make a living but local arcane politics force her to seek other free spirits in hope of forming a circle of protection against the outside forces that want to force conformity. [b]Focus : [/b]Research; Helen lives in bookstores and libraries [hr][hr][/hider] [hider=Daphne][hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161121/52693b3fc4a1b86f72d029be3693aa3d.png[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/99/06/b199069340a0b2ba90b4acffe5bf1c67.jpg[/img][hr][hr][h1]NPC Witch[/h1][/center] [b]Age : [/b]24 [b]Background : [/b] Daphne is a friend of Jac’s come up from Bayou Bourbeau sometimes called Boggy Creek one of the creepiest Bayou in Louisiana and home to the Clan Fortuna whom Jac lived with from time to time to continue a familial association they share as distant cousins. She came following Jac because she’s bored back home and hopes her friend can liven up her life as did back home. Daphne is what people think of when they picture a Creole woman [b]Focus : [/b] Potions; Daphne is always cooking potions or a meal and can run even a busy kitchen efficiently [hr][hr][/hider]