"[color=a0410d]Not only have you failed to say hello, but you also insult me to my face. Many would consider that rather rude, [i]Child[/i].[/color]" Oh, this one was going to be [i]fun[/i] to tease. She readied a cheeky response then the Poe spoke and in a theatrical flourish did he appear in all his ghoulish glory. Beneath her mask her eyes twinkled and she let out a small [i]Ooooh![/i] clapping her blue hands lightly. [color=teal]”Oh, I’m the spooky one? That is delightful coming from the living embodiment of a horror fairy tale that parents tell their children to keep them from wandering off on their own. I am but a humble spirit; you’re a twisted little girl that was consumed by a creepy forest that swallows souls and spits out monsters. That’s terrific.”[/color] She pointed at the Poe, her nails dark with soil and dirt. Then lifted the bottom of the mask giving Lev a toothy grin, "[color=salmon]Hehe! You got that right! I've tried dozens of times to get you ghosts to talk to me and all I get are grunts and lanterns swung at my head. Now [i]that[/i] is rude.[/color]" Jillian laughed, a creepy giggle that lasted a little too long. Taking a deep breath in she turned back to Magus and winked at the shadowy Twili. "[color=salmon]How much you wanna bet that I've had a few more birthdays than you, shadowman?[/color]" The mask was shifted back into place as she observed the gaggle of new people enter the graveyard. She bounced and found a tombstone to sit on, her legs freely swinging back and forth. Counting heads and taking odd guesses at what they did for a job. A couple Sheikah looking just about as serious as the graves they were hanging around unfortunately they were too far out of earshot to hear what they were discussing. The last two that came in, a Hylian lady and [i]another[/i] weird guy stumbling in then promptly collapsing after shouting his name. Graham earned a roiling chuckle out of the skullkid, she held her sides. Their entrance was highly amusing. When she recovered she observed Jaege, he caught her attention and a low whistle from her at his sheer size and large voice to match. When her eyes tracked down to his side there was a little girl hiding behind the post and sticking her tongue out, making a face. Jillian decided she already liked her, she was good with kids. She wondered briefly if she'd be interested in chasing the cuccos with her. She peeked past the adults, leaning heavily to the side. Another Skullkid? It was rare to run across another one of her kind outside of Lost Woods. Only handfuls of Skullkids left the comfort of their homes in the forest to explore Hyrule. They looked nervous, though Jillian could hardly blame 'em. She remembered the first time she went out into the world, and the first place she had to cross was Hyrule Field, what kind of place had barely any trees? Dumb places is what. Regardless she squinted heavily trying to remember who belonged to that mask.