[quote=@Hitman5455] [color=39b54a]"Alright then, glad you're better." [/color] Jason said with false belief. He wanted to find out what had happened in the gym. [color=39b54a]"I'm gonna go after Allister, this whole mess has me curious out of my mind."[/color] Without another word Jason darted out into the hallway. Allister obviously was long gone. [i]Allister must have headed to the gym, that's where Liam was.[/i] When he burst through the gym doors only the instructor from earlier was inside. --- It didn't take him long to get back to the infirmary. Vedika obviously hasn't gone anywhere despite her apparent 'curedness' [color=39b54a]"Hey vedika, apparently me and you are supposed to be at the kitchens. Do you need me to carry you?[/color] he asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't want to be a jerk, and leave her behind, or make her try to keep up with him in her current state. [@stern algorithm] [/quote] When Jason returned, Vedika was already on her feet. In the time he was gone, she had been trying to get herself used to this new sensation, or lack thereof. She had even walked around the infirmary a bit. As terrifying as this all should have been, Vedika was a little excited. She was experiencing a heightened state of awareness due to needing all her other senses to make up for her lack of touch, and this state gave her a bit of a rush. But like a caffeine rush or an adrenaline rush, she wouldn't be able to maintain this state for an extended period of time because her mind would get tired. Vedika was not aware of this however, and did a bit of shadow boxing to demonstrate just how much she had gotten used to her situation. "As much as I'd like to be carried, I don't think that will be necessary," she grinned at Jason, "lead the way!"