[color=Gold][center][h1]Marra Mamba[/h1][/center][/color] Mars' face stayed rather neutral as the red gem spoke, though his eyes narrowed a bit as Blood mentioned that it was surprising he was alive, and that he was without something crucial. He wondered what the strange gem meant by that but quickly put it aside for now, focusing on the rest of what they were saying. The more he got 'excited', the less Mars liked him, and he already held some innate bias against them for reasons he couldn't quite explain. It was a gut feeling that this guy was bad news, and certainly not to be trusted. When he offered to take them up to the ship, Mars posture straightened slightly. That was a situation that he didn't want to happen, under any circumstances, as it would leave him in enemy territory with little to no chance of reinforcement or rescue if things went sour. He looked down at Blood's hand, then back up at its owner. He was acting nice and friendly, but Mars didn't forget a simple thing. A name had yet to be given, nor was the matter that Mars asked even addressed. While it could be put down against his manners, Mars felt that this slip-up told him more about the gem's true character than any of the pleasantries he laid at their feet. [color=Gold]"While I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid that Topaz and I will have to decline at this time. While you do seem knowledgeable about all this Gem stuff, we don't know anything about you and, frankly, I can't say that I'm particularly interested in learning about it. I've gone quite some time without the knowledge, so I don't see the point in getting it now."[/color] [@Kronshi] [@Veiled Angel] [@Guardian Angel Haruki] [@Spinna]