[@Mangrale] [color=yellow]"Sounds like a plan."[/color] *He smiles back at her, she seemed nervous with the first part. Hopefully she knew it was just him asking, it wasn't like he was trying to force her to do it. He wouldn't do that to her, but he would be thinking along the lines of what stargazing would be like as she speaks the question. Taking a moment to regain his senses after a certain being spoke in his head* [color=black]"James, I think she asked what one thing most people wouldn't know about you."[/color] *James coming back in from his thoughts as he nods, he had to admit that the Void helped a lot at times. Even when it doesn't seem like much, James would be lost at certain times without it. Guess he still has a lot to learn and to grow up on, even if he was still young. Nodding as he thinks* [color=yellow]"Tough one, needed to think on it. But I guess the one thing most people wouldn't know about me is that I'm naturally curious, I like the travel a lot. I mean there is so much out there to learn and explore, why stay in one place? I want to know more. Why I'm on my own as well, never could find a place for myself to stay."[/color] *Maybe a bit too much information, he shrugs though as he sits back a bit. Looking at everyone, would people judge him for this? Think he is some travelling vagabond or something cause he can't find a place for himself? Well he said it, now he has to live with the consequences. Maybe he shouldn't have given away the on the road bit, also shows he doesn't have a home himself. Kicking himself mentally for being dull in speaking*