[@LiegeLord] Truthfully, to Cecilia, stargazing had always been a personal experience, one not shared with anyone. Part of the reason was that she never stayed in one place long enough to get to know anyone well enough. Also, over the years, she began to imagine how silly others would think it is, something cliche or otherwise uncool. But as James and everyone have shown many times already, she's been carrying a lot of preconceived notions. Cecilia cupped her hands over her knees, swaying them side to side in, getting lost in thought. James had been fairly open about his life, even how he doesn't have a home, which would sound like one of the saddest things she'd ever heard even if she didn't just meet him beforehand. Yet he had refused to show Neric when the opportunity arose. Whatever foolish assertions she entertained aside, he did know this was a safe place right? Is he afraid of what anyone here would do or think? If that's it, she may not have helped matters earlier. All the more reason for her to make it up to him before... In mid thought, she noticed that the ball that was once in the air was gone. The girl that put it there must have taken it down. Cecilia scratched the side of her cheek, a perplexed expression on her face. [color=00a651]Wait now that I think about it... I don't believe we've heard from her since then...[/color] she thought, annoyed at herself for forgetting about her till now. Should she say something? Did she like not participating? Would she get angry if anyone called her out?... [color=00a651]Maybe it's best to stay quiet for now.[/color] If the odd girl wanted to participate, it would be up to her.