Allowing Paulina's emotions to wash over her, Ashleigh listened to what was being said. None of it made her feel better. She swallowed. So it was her fault. it didn't matter that it was indirect, it had been her fault. [color=f6989d]"So in other words I can't neutralise emotions without screwing up the spiritaul world and ticking off a bunch of ghosts. Which makes me a ticking timebomb to explode, tick off the ghosts, screw up the spirit realm and utterly mess things up? Wonderful"[/color] She was furious and she moved away from paulina, so she wouldn't infect the girl with her anger. She shook her head, clenching her hands into fists, this time she didn't break her skin with her nails. She knew she was being irrational. And that the anger was just building and building. She was tired of messing things up. Of not being strong enough. [color=f6989d]"I'm sorry. I should get myself worked up. But why? Why did...what I did trigger it?"[/color] She asked, sounding defeated, and looking away from them all. [color=f6989d]"And will I be able to...affect this outsider?"[/color] [@Themerlinhawk][@Thundercrash][@KiritoAsuna]