"Uh... Definitely yes. Clothes. Yes." Marius nodded his head, got back on his feet and spun around to face the paladin again. The pale elf took few steps closer and adjusted the heavy coat of his while going over the Code of Law in his head, there was something he had read about it that could hopefully get himself and Stybs out of the situation. "Now, sir paladin!" He managed to pull off the kindly cleric voice again. "In accordance of the section fourteen of the code of law, paragraphs three through eight - which clearly states that lay brothers, clerics, members of the Paladin orders or knights flying the banner of a lord, or holding a noble rank above baron are not to be detained from their duty if they can by themselves, or by the word of their God, liege lord, acquaintances or next of kin..." The pale elf paused to take a deep breath while glancing at what Stybs was doing. "Prove they are indeed doing the work of their God, order, a duty given to them by said God, order, liege lord, or other some such authority - even a captain of a city watch counts in some circumstances. If they lack proper authorization from any of the aforementioned sources they are to be detained in a manner described of in paragraph three of section one of the Code of Law." Quite dramatically, but still in a relatively tastefully subdued manner Marius spread his arms slightly. "Now, I am Marius Corbanet, the Duke of Blackwood and the second in line of succession for the Dukedom of Vo Kadrak by the clause of legitimized bastardry - in addition to holding two noble titles I am also a cleric of Antharg, the Lord of Plagues, disease, healing et al. Thus I am well within the aforementioned terms and conditions of of the non-detainment clause of the law." Stybs nodded his head a few times while still smiling the toothy smile. "Ya checks on the friend-y, I'm gonna talky with dem pall-y-din git." The tall goblin reached the paladin and his pale elven companion just as Marius was finishing his little explanation about the law. For a moment the cloaked goblin just stood there, staring at the paladin's horse. [i]Talk to the man, not the horse. Though the horse might be the smarter of the two.[/i] "Uh, right, thanks boss." You could nearly hear the gears turning inside the goblin's head as he tried to form a proper introductory sentence. "I iz gunna be pleadin' on tha law as well, cuz I'm a cleric too." There was a sudden gust of wind that made the goblin's cloak flutter in an appropriately dramatic manner. "I's Stybs Orcgutter. The Lib'rator, a cleric of Sa'nik tha Unchain'd. Prot'ctor of all kinds of gits in need of lib'ratin. Yes I is." He glanced at the pale elf and fixed a bit less toothy smile to his lips. "Uh, why was we doin' all this again?" Marius had to admit that if Antharg was a cruel master at times Ska'nik tended not to be much better a boss if you weren't that smart to begin with. Not to mention he still wasn't sure to this day if Stybs's intelligence really fluctuated like that or if it was just an act - if it was an act the goblin should have became a bard instead of a cleric, he'd be the best damn actor in this side of... well... he'd be the best damn actor in the whole world. Silently thanking the Gods of the little chance to collect his thoughts the Cleric of Antharg managed to even remember the reason they had set up on their journey. "Now, me and my companion here are looking for a certain man. I do not know exactly what name the fellow goes under at the moment, but when I last met him he went under the name of Laethros. He has worked under many names and has tricked many a traveler and adventurer in to quite trouble. You see, just selling people in to slavery isn't quite enough, no, the bastard sells people to the Ilythiiri, or Drow as they are called in the common tongue. I fell for his fancy ruse some years ago and after a quite daring escape I have spent years hunting him down. Sadly he has a nasty habit of slipping away just at the most inopportune moments." The pale elf spat on the ground and fixed his red eyes towards the paladin. "Now, under the Code of Law my duty should be honourable enough as to either not be detained at all, or at least to have my detainment postponed until I have completed my duty. Also the fine print on the same paragraph states that and I quote: 'A member of nobility above or equal to a Duke may extend the protection of this aforementioned law to their traveling companions and provide a temporary pardon from any crime short of high treason if they so choose'. So... yeah. Besides, I am sure that you as a paladin would gladly aid us in our noble endeavor. Such villainy cannot after all be allowed to continue any further!"