[center][h3]UNITS IN ARCADIA[/h3][/center] [u]CONCILIUM[/u] [hider=Hero] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/8/80/AwakeningHeroPortrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20160421171949[/img] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/a/a9/FatesBraveHeroPortrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20150703013541[/img] [i]"Battle-hardened warriors with exceptional skill. Can wield axes in addition to swords."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Sage] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/0/09/AwakeningSagePortrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20160607214605[/img] [i]"A seasoned Mage or Healer with a high affinity for magic. Wields tomes and staves."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Footmen] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_spearmen_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_men_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_peasant_bowmen.png[/img] Footmen are paid as full-time professional soldiers, ready to answer the call to arms at all times. In addition to forming a standing army to repel enemy attack, Footmen also serve as city guards, the fire watch and the enforcers of the law. However, most of the time these soldiers spend their days drilling and training with various weapons to the barked instructions of grim-faced sergeants and veteran marksmen. Every state trains its regiments to fight together, providing each other with mutual protection on the battlefield. Footmen often march to battle with detachments of differently armed troops to aid them. These detachments form up close to their regimental units, where they guard vulnerable flanks and provide battlefield support, either by joining their regimental units in the bloody melee of close combat with swords and maces and axes and other similar weapons, or by showering oncoming enemies with missile fire. Concilium Footmen usually have red and blue as their uniform colors. *Bow variant [i]"Although inaccurate, Bow Footmen provide a cheap, plentiful line of defense against the oncoming enemy."[/i] *Spear variant [i]"With a spear in hand, these men are no heroes, but they are stalwart defenders of their homelands."[/i] *Polearm variant [i]"Although Footmen are not particularly skillful with such weapons, they can defend their homelands with them well enough."[/i] [/hider] [u]VARJO[/u] [hider=Varjan Warriors] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_inf_chaos_warriors_0.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_dlc01_chs_inf_chaos_warriors_2.png[/img] [i]"Varjan Warriors come alive in the midst of bloody battle; thriving on the slaughter of their foes."[/i] Varjan Warriors are fighters of remarkable prowess. Their strength is infernal and their bodies are as tough as steel. Encased in suits of masterfully-forged armor, a Varjan Warrior is equal to several mortal fighters. One could say they are no longer truly human, but living weapons, honed perfectly for the bloody tasks before them. He has nothing but contempt for almost everything and goes about the business of murder with a vengeance. A Varjan Warrior's only solace is in the slaughter - the fulfillment of his new existence as an instrument of his nation's violent will, and at battle's end, his armor is splattered with the lifeblood of the slain. [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_inf_chaos_warriors_1.png[/img] *Halberdier variant Varjan Warriors equipped with the mighty halberd to take down larger foes for Arcadia is full of monsters and beasts larger than man. [/hider] [hider=Varjan Elites] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_inf_chosen_0.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_inf_chosen_1.png[/img] [i]"Elites are greater than their Varjan brethren, more powerful and savage in close quarters, especially with great weapons."[/i] There are those amongst the ranks of the Varjan Warriors who bear the favor of King Caldeyron more than their fellows. Known amongst their kind as Elites, their frames are swollen due to inhumane training, and "boons" bestowed on them by their King in recognition of the many fell deeds they have committed. Even if an Elite warrior bears no such stigmata, it is clear that he carries the grace of the Caldeyrons from his aura of dark menace. The Elites are truly the nobility of Varjo. The Elites lead by example, fighting not as commanders but as veteran warriors and champions. In this way, the Elites hope to attract yet more of their Majesty's favor and ascend to the ranks of the truly exalted. They advance unflinchingly through magical bolts, hails of arrows and punishing artillery volleys, their purposeful thread never falters as they march ever closer to their prey. Battle lines have buckled and broken at the mere prospect of a unit of Elites closing in upon them, blades raised so that the methodical butchery of the foe can begin. [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_dlc01_chs_inf_chosen_2.png[/img] *Halberdier variant Varjan Elites equipped with the mighty halberd to take down larger foes for Arcadia is full of monsters and beasts larger than man. [/hider] [hider=Hellriders] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_cav_chaos_knights_0.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_chs_chaos/wh_main_chs_cav_chaos_knights_1.png[/img] [i]"Hellriders deliver a terrifyingly powerful charge to enemy lines, particularly if armed with a lance."[/i] Hellriders are feared throughout Arcadia and beyond as merciless butchers capable of turning the course of battle with a single charge. They are towering brutes atop immensely powerful Hell Steeds, rider and mount clad in thickest plate, each section of armor crafted by a master blacksmith. A Hellrider's greaves are jagged blades, well suited to slicing through the flesh of the enemy. Even the frightful reputation of the Hellriders is a weapon in its own right, crippling those who would stand against them before a single blow is struck. Many Hellriders charge to war with great lances, evil-looking polearms designed to impale and tear their foes. Others wield a deadly assortment of weapons, from cleavers and war-picks to heavy maces. Some Hellriders even brandish magical blades, each bearing a small measure of power. Regardless of the form or the hexes inscribed upon these ensorcelled weapons, they are all enchanted in order to kill, and most flicker with dark fire. Each Hellrider is a paragon amongst his warrior brethren, for he has trod the path of damnation for many years and holds the favor of the Varjan King. A Hellrider's horned helmet may conceal a twisted and permanent rictus smile of sharp metallic fangs, or a striking and cold beauty that steals the breath away. Few have a chance to find out, for those who behold the Hellriders of Varjo are but moments away from a grisly end. A full unit of Hellriders, galloping at speed, will hit a battle line like the mailed fist of the gods. [/hider] [hider=Footmen] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_spearmen_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_men_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_peasant_bowmen.png[/img] Footmen are paid as full-time professional soldiers, ready to answer the call to arms at all times. In addition to forming a standing army to repel enemy attack, Footmen also serve as city guards, the fire watch and the enforcers of the law. However, most of the time these soldiers spend their days drilling and training with various weapons to the barked instructions of grim-faced sergeants and veteran marksmen. Every state trains its regiments to fight together, providing each other with mutual protection on the battlefield. Footmen often march to battle with detachments of differently armed troops to aid them. These detachments form up close to their regimental units, where they guard vulnerable flanks and provide battlefield support, either by joining their regimental units in the bloody melee of close combat with swords and maces and axes and other similar weapons, or by showering oncoming enemies with missile fire. Varjan Footmen usually have black as their uniform colors. *Bow variant [i]"Although inaccurate, Bow Footmen provide a cheap, plentiful line of defense against the oncoming enemy."[/i] *Spear variant [i]"With a spear in hand, these men are no heroes, but they are stalwart defenders of their homelands."[/i] *Polearm variant [i]"Although Footmen are not particularly skillful with such weapons, they can defend their homelands with them well enough."[/i] [/hider] [u]GLEIVNIR[/u] [hider=Gleivnir Warrior] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/deptheaven/images/9/95/Warrior.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/268?cb=20120616063849[/img] [i]"A heavily-armored brawler who can swing a large axe as if it were a feather. His mighty attacks can tear through foes and obstacles."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Footmen] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_spearmen_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_men_at_arms.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_brt_bretonnia/wh_main_brt_inf_peasant_bowmen.png[/img] Footmen are paid as full-time professional soldiers, ready to answer the call to arms at all times. In addition to forming a standing army to repel enemy attack, Footmen also serve as city guards, the fire watch and the enforcers of the law. However, most of the time these soldiers spend their days drilling and training with various weapons to the barked instructions of grim-faced sergeants and veteran marksmen. Every state trains its regiments to fight together, providing each other with mutual protection on the battlefield. Footmen often march to battle with detachments of differently armed troops to aid them. These detachments form up close to their regimental units, where they guard vulnerable flanks and provide battlefield support, either by joining their regimental units in the bloody melee of close combat with swords and maces and axes and other similar weapons, or by showering oncoming enemies with missile fire. Gleivnir Footmen usually have gold and silver as their uniform colors. *Bow variant [i]"Although inaccurate, Bow Footmen provide a cheap, plentiful line of defense against the oncoming enemy."[/i] *Spear variant [i]"With a spear in hand, these men are no heroes, but they are stalwart defenders of their homelands."[/i] *Polearm variant [i]"Although Footmen are not particularly skillful with such weapons, they can defend their homelands with them well enough."[/i] [/hider] [u]DWARVES[/u] [hider=Dwarven Infantry] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_dwf_dwarfs/wh_main_dwf_inf_dwarf_warrior_0.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_dwf_dwarfs/wh_main_dwf_inf_dwarf_warrior_1.png[/img] [i]"With weapons in hand, Dwarven Infantry lay into the front lines with unremitting violence."[/i] Dwarves make formidable fighters - they are strong and extremely resilient, broad of shoulder and wide of girth. Although by no means quick, they are physically robust and can maintain a steady plodding pace, marching for days on end despite being loaded down by burdens and heavy mail. When they charge into battle, the momentum generated by their wide, armor-clad bodies is remarkable, hitting the foe with a resounding impact. Protected by their heavy mail, their skillful use of overlapping shield walls and, finally, by their own tough and obstinate nature, Dwarf individuals, units and armies as a whole seem able to absorb punishing blows that would cause other races to break and flee. [/hider] [hider=Dwarven Bolters] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_dwf_dwarfs/wh_main_dwf_inf_quarrellers_0.png[/img] [img]http://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer/gen_images/unit_icon/warhammer/wh_main_dwf_dwarfs/wh_main_dwf_inf_quarrellers_1.png[/img] [i]"A volley of Dwarven crossbow bolts will travel far and hit hard, particularly against the lightly armored."[/i] When the Clans are called to fight, some Dwarves arm themselves with crossbows and join the battle as Bolters. These formations are tasked with raining bolts down upon their foes - a task they perform with orderly zeal. Bolters seek to thin down the enemy's ranks, punish units attempting to outflank their own forces and engage in ranged duels with the foe's missile-armed troops. Dwarves have never taken to bows, partly because they do not suit their short physical stature, but also due to the limitations of such weapons in confined tunnels. The powerfully-built Dwarf crossbow can easily fire shots that outdistance the puny bows used by Man, and the crossbow bolts pack enough punch to devastate lightly armored foes. With typical Dwarf precision, a unit of Bolters will unleash its hail of bolts, reload, take aim and fire again. Protected by heavy armor and their own sturdy constitutions, it is a rare day when an enemy - even one with more skilled marksmen than the Dwarves - can win a long-ranged shooting contest against a unit of Bolters. Of course, should the enemy approach near enough to engage the Bolters in close combat, they will find hardened warriors eager to put their axes and shortswords to work. While the devotees to the rifle have grown over the years, they have not replaced the crossbow. There are many Clans that prefer the range of the crossbow, while the most traditionalist simply rile against any technological progress and the regrettable lack of "elbow grease" needed to fire a rifle instead of winding a crossbow winch to reset its formidable shot. [/hider]