[@Oliver] K, it looks good. The image you used for your font is missing now. Fontmeme only gives you temp files now a days. (Try saving it to your computer and then uploading it here on the forum on you bio page. It'll always be there then.) As far as adding new skills later, that is a nope. Once a CS is approved it is screen shot. Any changes made without the GM prior approval results in a boot to the rear basically. (Keeps people from trying to work in stuff that isn't approved and cuts down on over all godmodding and metagaming.) - Other skills added in are given out as rewards in the Rp from the GM or Co-Gm as time goes by and you are given a window to add them in when handed out. So if you want to add in something, go ahead and do it now and let me look at it. If you are good with what you have, again, let me know and we can go from there.