[quote=@RumikoOhara] Here is the Second in comand; she is still a work in progress needing a Career Path [b]Name[/b] : Margaret L. Sayer [b]Race[/b] : Human [b]Age[/b] : 28 [b]Sex[/b] : Female [b]Rank [/b] : Lt. Commander [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/cf65/f/2014/055/9/9/milla_at_destination_star_trek_by_milla_s-d77t077.jpg[/img] [b]Career Record[/b] Born on Mars her schooling till the academy was at the Mars Technical Institute where she entered the Academy Prep school at Olympus Mons in Commander Sayer Graduated 23rd/1200 in the class of 2069 [/quote] Hey, another martian. (my guy's father worked at Utopia Planitia and his mom was a civilian that worked in one of the cities.)