"If you believe the Christian Bible then world peace is only achievable when the Antichrist comes into power, which only lasts seven years then there is seven years of hell on Earth. If I remember correctly. So to wish for world peace is to wish for the slaughter of nearly every living thing on this planet. If someone needs me then they are in worse shape than they thought. I am no one's savior, saviors are fairy tales and belief in them have led many to destruction. I can be a tank, if you know your gaming terminology, but that is all. As for joining the X-Men, I have done my research they have a high risk occupation, many have died in the service of Xavier's dream. Xavier creeps me out with his mind reading powers, I'd rather talk to Darkholme, she reminds me of that vampire chick. Don't they share the same mutation with the exception of the latter's lack of blue skin or at least I don't think the latter has blue skin. If I had that power I could make so much money with little effort, I could live like a King or Queen. The one thing I wouldn't do is fight a war that has no chance of success. Humanity as a whole will never accept us, pockets of it will which gives people like Xavier hope, but it is false hope." She checked her watch it was broken but she used it as an excuse. "Got to go almost time for my next class." She ran off.